Where was the first reunion?
what is lake chitakwa
Who is grandma Sandys mom?
what is julie
Who's birthday is on July 19?
What is Aubrey
what lake did we go to twice for a family reunion?
what is lake lanear
When is the next family reunion? Year
What is 2025
Where are the carpenters orginally from?
what is Poland
How many dogs does the whole entire family have?
What is 9
Who has matching Birthdays?
What is Alex and Sydney
what is the traditional carpenter game?
what is LCR.
what did chris eat that made brad punch a hole threw a wall?
What is Sandwich
Where was the most recent reuinon?
What is vermont
How many cousins are there?
What is 8
What is the year range in the cousins Birthdays?
What is 2003-2018
what were the 3 states that everbody was born in this room?
what is New york, Flordia Georgia.
How many golfballs did gavin collects when living in fort myers?
what is 35,182
What was the last family get together?
What was Thanksgiving 2023
Who has been married the longest in the Cousins?
What is Paula and Todd
How many pairs of matching birthdays are in the family?
what is 2
what was the song we sang at the 2019 family reuinon?
what is Reunited and it feels so good.
what is chris and sydney eating for dinner tonight?
what is golumpki
Who is the oldest in the family?
What is Uncle Ray
Who are the people who started the family that are still alive?
What was Grandma Sandy, Paw Paw, and Aunt Jakie and Uncle Ray
when is grandma sandy's birthday?
what is december 18
what did we eat for dinner tonight?
What is Chinese food.
what is the name of the animals growing up? Brad, gavin, melisia, chris
what is mugger, cuddles, mr belvedere, and bootsie.