What tenses is "She lives in a beautiful house."?
Simple Present
Englisches Wort für: Berg
Translate the following sentence: On Sundays, I always have bacon and eggs and a glass of orange juice for breakfast.
An Sonntagen gibt es bei mir/ habe ich immer Schinkenspeck, Eier und ein Glas Orangensaft zum Frühstück.
win - ? - won
win - won - won
Decide if the sentence is correct: You needs a new pen.
wrong: You need a new pen.
How do you form the going-to future?
going to + infinitive
Englisches Wort für: Fußabdruck
Translate the following sentence: Frage den Verkäufer.
Ask the shop assistant.
? - ? - brought
bring - brought - brought
Name all forms of the verb "be".
Simple Present: am/is/are
Simple Past: was/were
Past Participle: been
What tense is "They saw a boat."
Simple Past
Englisches Wort für: Nachbar
Translate the following sentence: Lauf vorbei an der August-König-Straße.
Say all forms of the verb "fly".
fly - flew - flown
How do you form the conditional sentence 1?
If + Simple Present, will-future
What tense is "She is studying English"?
Present Progressive
Englisches Wort für: jemanden verteidigen
to defend somebody
Translate the following sentence: Gehst du schon?
Are you going already?
Say all forms of the verb "work"
Simple Past: worked
Past Participle: workedExplain how you compare adjectives (Erkläre, wie du Adjektive steigerst).
einsilbige Adjektive, Adjektive mit -y: Steigerung mit -er/-est
mehr als zwei Silben: Steigerung mit more / mostChange the following sentence into Present Perfect: "He plays basketball."
He has played basketball.
Englisches Wort für: geradeaus weiter
straight on
Translate the following sentence: Die Wachen verteidigen das schmale Tor.
The guards defend the narrow gate.
catch - caught - caught
The castle is the most beautiful castle.