What are some common characteristics of absolute monarchy?
A belief in the divine rights of kings, rulers inherit their power, it was a common government in the 17th and 18th centuries.
Who was the 17th century absolute monarch who called himself the Sun King?
How did Enlightenment philosophers propose to resolve political, social, and economic problems?
By the use of reason
What are the rights that belong to all humans from birth such as the right to life and liberty?
Natural rights
What were some of the key themes endorsed by Enlightenment thinkers?
freedom of religion, freedom of speech, abolition of slavery, individual rights
The United States started as 13 British colonies along the east coast of
North America
In 1799, he ended the French Revolution when he overthrew the Directory government.
Napoleon Bonaparte
What was a important impact of the English Civil War?
After the Civil War, England developed a limited monarchy with a written constitution.
What happened to king Charles I as a result of the English Civil War?
During the English Civil War (1642-1649), the King, Charles I, was captured and then executed by decapitation.
What was the palace of the French absolute monarch Louis XIV?
What were the revolutions which influenced by the ideas of the Enlightenment?
American, French, and Haitian Revolutions.
Who was the philosopher who said to protect liberty governments should divide power into legislative, executive & judicial branches?
Baron de Montesquieu
Who was the commanding general of the Continental army during the American Revolution?
George Washington
In San Domingue (later Haiti), who owned very profitable sugar plantations and who worked the plantations?
French planters owned the plantations, and enslaved Africans worked the plantations
What was the government that replace the monarchy after the execution of English King Charles I?
The Commonwealth
What was the name of the 1598 law issued by French King Henry IV which gave religious toleration to Huguenots, French Protestants?
The Edict of Nantes
This was the belief that a king has received his right to rule as an absolute monarch from God.
The divine rights of kings
Who was the French Enlightenment philosopher who believed in freedom of speech?
Who was the English philosopher who taught that humans have natural rights such as life, liberty, and property?
John Locke
Who was the author of the Declaration of Independence, which stated that all men are created equal?
Thomas Jefferson
Why did the slaves of San Domingue rose up in a revolt in 1791?
Bitterness over enslavement, and the talk of liberty from the French Revolution
Who was a minister to king Louis XIII that became a supporter of absolute monarchy?
Cardinal Richelieu
Who was the philosopher stated in his book the Social Contract that "man was born free but is everywhere in chains?"
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Who was the philosopher who wrote the Wealth of Nations, in which he argued that businesses should be allowed to make decisions free from government regulation?
Adam Smith
Who was philosopher produced the controversial Encyclopedia which included articles about Enlightenment themes?
Denis Diderot
Who was the king of France, and his wife, Marie Antoinette, were both executed by the guillotine as enemies of the people?
Louis XVI
Who was Haitian leader who was born a slave then liberated, and then a brilliant leader and commander of the Haitian Revolution?
Toussaint Louverture
According to Enlightenment philosophers these were universal patterns true at all times and places.
natural laws
Who was the king of Britain who fought a revolutionary war against 13 colonies?
king George III
monarchy, republic, empire.