Protestants are called... in France. Richelieu persecuted them severely---what are 2 things he did to them?
What are Huguenots; murdered/kidnapped/spied/destroyed churches.
This absolutist man lost his head!
This OTHER absolutist man lost his mind by making a treaty with Louis XIV.
Who is Charles I & Charles II?
Gustavus Adolphus was known as... AND what nation was he the king of?
What is the Lion of the North? & Sweden
This was the immediate cause of the 30 years war.
What is the (3rd)
》Defenestration of Prague?《
Finish the line: Power ______ & absolute power __________...
What is corrupts & corrupts absolutely?
These are the 5 elements to gain control/elements of a society.
What are...
The Military, Economics, Religion, Politics, and Social Aspects?
1. This man is the namesake of a colonial town in Virginia, a commissioned version of the Bible, and was the 6TH of his name in Scotland, also the son of Mary Queen of Scots.
2. This other man was a Stuart as well, and he was a Catholic absolutist but at an old age had an heir which led to the Glorious Revolution.
Who is James I & James II?
This is the meaning of SUCCESSION. These are the 2 wars of this time fought over succession.
What is who will lead the country next?
-Spanish Succession (1701-1714) & Austrian Succession (1740-1748)
This land of Habsburgs was plagued by many dissident groups & powerful neighbors. THIS is the main minority group that would later become its own country.
What is Austria & What is Hungary/Hungarians?
One famously stated of the land of Frederick the Great: ________________ is not a ____________ with a ____________ but a _____________ with a ___________.
What is Prussia is not a state with a military but a military with a state?
Explain how Louis XIV rendered his nobles useless. Include the name of his palace and one extravagant thing there.
-distraction @ Versailles
-ceremony, orange groves, portraits, gold everywhere, balls and exotic entertainment, hall of mirrors, feasting, drunkeness, affairs, etc.
The English Bill of Rights was passed under William & Mary. It provided for these 3 things.
What is....
-civil rights
-limited royal power
-no monarch can be Catholic
In the war of the Spanish Succession, Louis XIV wanted to give his grandson, _____this guy___________ the throne so he could do what?
Who is Philip V ---TO unit the thrones of Spain & France?
Louis XIV was so old that this relative was his heir.
Who is his great grandson?
Frederick the Great took ___________ of Poland in the 7 Years War.
What is Silesia?
Thomas Hobbes proposed absolutist control from a non-Christian view that people were evil & needed kings to act like THIS sea monster.
What is Leviathan? Stretching tentacles to all areas of life
The Roundheads had this haircut, this religion, and sided with this body of government.
The Cavaliers had this haircut, this religion and sided with him.
What is short/Puritan/Parliament roundheads? &
What is long haired/Anglican&Catholic/King's Crew Cavaliers?
Catherine the Great fought & got access to the _________________ by fighting the Turks (1768-1774) but EARLIER Peter the Great took over the _____________ region by the Great Northern War (1700-1721).
What is the Black Sea & Baltic?
These were the 2 constant rival groups.
Who are Prussia vs Austria & Britain vs France?
Louis XIV famously said ---
I am the _____________ & 1_____, 1 ______, 1 ____________.
What is I am the state & 1 king, 1 law, 1 faith?
This man pursued mercantilist goals for France as a minister to Louis XIV.
For up to 1000 points if you choose to take on this question: Define HEMEJCOCCJWM.
Otherwise for regular 500: This is the name of Oliver Cromwell's son and what happened to his reign.
Who is Henry VIII
Richard, he let Parl. Reconvene and they chose Charles II instead of him.
This treaty ended the 30 years war (give the year as well) and established this concept (in latin & its meaning).
What is the Treaty of Westphalia 1648, cuius regio eius religio---Whose realm, his religion.
Frederick the Great advanced culture by....
Frederick the Great advanced education, religious toleration, music, philosophy, ended torture for his people.
Fill in the blanks: Robert ___________fought for the Brits in _________this subcontinent__________, winning the Battle of _______this______.
What is Clive, India, Plassey?