Ch 1-3
Ch 4-6
Ch 7-9
Ch 10-12
Ch 13-15

Name Junior's health conditions (at least 3)

At least 3 of the following:

-hydrocephalus/"water on the brain"


-speech impediments

-extra teeth (which he had to get pulled)


_________ have the most hope.

White people


What was Rowdy and Junior's fight about?  Include at least 2 reasons

-Junior plans to go to Reardan

-Rowdy thinks Junior always thought he was better than him


Junior and Penelope both dress as ______ for Halloween.

Homeless people


Summarize Mary's email

She is having a wonderful time in Montana with her new husband, and she's very happy.


Junior's father wanted ____________

to become a jazz musician


What happens at the end of Chapter 4 (Because Geometry is Not a Country Somewhere Near France)?

Junior throws a geometry textbook and hits his teacher, Mr. P, in the face.


True/False: There were no other Indians whatsoever at Reardan.

False.  (The mascot)


Junior receives some startling news about Mary, which is __________.

She got married and moved to Montana


True/False: Rowdy rips up Junior's cartoon after receiving it.

False- he makes a rude gesture at him


"The rez" refers to ________________ (include the full name!)

Spokane Indian Reservation


Complete the quote from Mr. P: "If you stay on this rez..." [If you get the gist of it vs. exact words, that's fine.]

"they're going to kill you. I'm going to kill you.  We're all going to kill you.  You can't fight us forever."


Provide 3 facts about Eugene

-Junior's dad's best friend

-owns and rides motorcycle

-admires what Junior's doing

-always drunk


In "Tears of a Clown", we learn that Rowdy...

is good at keeping secrets.


How is Penelope similar to Junior's dad?

She says she's only bulimic when she's throwing up.


Why does Oscar die?

He gets heat stroke and Junior's family can't afford to get him medical treatment


Junior's parents know that he's _____________, which is part of why they accept his idea of going to Reardan so easily.

Weird and ambitious


Explain Roger's behavior.  (Why did he insult Junior, then back off from fighting?)

He wanted to see how tough Junior was, and didn't expect him to fight back.  Then he saw Junior arrive on Eugene's motorcycle and thought that was cool.


Describe Penelope and Junior's first positive interaction

They agree to gather money for homeless people, and Penelope agrees to put his name on the money after he gets robbed.


Penelope's goal after high school is...

become an architect so she can build things and be remembered

"The worst thing you can do an Indian guy" (according to Junior) is...

cut off their braids


How did Mr. P and his fellow originally teach Indians?

They tried to "kill the Indian to save the child" (kill Indian culture).


Name 4 Rules of Fisticuffs

-if someone insults you/is going to insult you/you think they're thinking about insulting you, fight them

-same as above for family and friends

-don't fight a girl unless she's insulting you/family/friends

-generational fights (parent beats up your parent, you beat up their child)

-pick fights with sons/daughters of white people and people who work for Bureau of Indian Affairs

-if you're probably going to get beat up, throw the first punch

-loser=first to cry


Describe Gordy and Junior's interactions in chapter 12.

Gordy backs Junior up when a teacher thinks Junior's answer is wrong.  They become friends and bond over a joy in learning.


How does Junior finally start to become popular?

He starts dating Penelope