Bringing a Gun to a Knife Fight
Stuart Little too Much Power
Nothing New Under the Sun-King
Russian to Catch Up
Curiosity Killed the Commonly Held Beliefs from the Medieval Period

The Ottoman Sultan Mehmed II brought an end to the Roman Empire entirely in 1453 with the taking of this city.

What is Constantinople?


Considered to one of the greatest monarchs in English history, This "virgin" monarch quelled religious tensions, supported the formation of overseas colonies, and was the last of the Tudor line.

Who is Queen Elizabeth I?


Nicknamed "The Sun King", this monarch is the poster child of absolute monarchs in history.

Who is King Louis XIV?


In an ode to the past, Russian monarchs claimed this title, a Russian derivative of a Roman title. 

What is Czar?


Though most of his life was spent as a government agent investigating fraudulent currency, this scientist is mostly remembered for his development of Calculus and the basic laws of motion 

Who is Sir Isaac Newton?


The Devshirme was a system in which Christian boys would be taken by force to create this legendary fighting force.

What are the Janissaries?


The first of the Stuart line of kings, this monarch quickly began centralizing power on himself, refused to work with parliament, and sponsored the writing of a new translation of the Christian bible.

Who is King James I (James VI of Scotland)?


Like many other monarchs in Europe, King Louis XIV cited this as justification for his Kingship

What is Divine Right?


The Russian Empire begins with this terrible ruler who took down the ruling Mongols and re-established the kingdom of Muscovy.

Who is Czar Ivan III? (Ivan the Terrible)


Though remembered more for his philosophical writings, this scientist developed a way to solve previously unsolvable geometry questions using algebra.

Who is Renes Descartes? 


This Sultan ruled the Ottoman Empire at it's height, and was considered one of the greatest poets of his time.

Who was Suleiman the Magnificent (Lawgiver)


Nicknamed "the merry monarch", this monarch ruled in memory of his namesake and actually improved the lives of his subjects

Who is King Charles II?


To address the violent religious tensions in France, King Henry IV signed this into law, though it would later be repealed. 

What is the Edict of Nantes?


In an attempt to catch up to the more modern Western European nations, this Monarch dressed in disguise and toured Europe bringing back with him many new ideas and laws.

Who is Czar Peter the Great?


The first to use the Scientific method in Chemistry, this delectably named scientist challenged Aristotle's theory of the 4 elements and laid the ground work for the modern periodic table of elements.

Who is sir Francis Bacon?


This Islamic leader created a vast empire stretching from India to Anatolia with his capital at Samarkand. Though he defeated many strong foes, his empire would not last.

Who is Tamerlane?


To prevent another tyrant King, Parliament sought to replace King James II with his daughter and her husband, this dutch champion of Protestants, resulting in the only Dual Monarchy in English history.

Who is William of Orange?


To ingratiate himself as King, Louis XIV sponsored expensive and grandiose works of art and architecture, including this, his own humble abode.

What is the Palace at Versailles?


Though previous measures to modernize were effective, Russia was still far behind the west by the time the world reaches this major world event, during which the Empire would meet its downfall.

What is WWI? (The Great War)


Like Copernicus and Kepler before him, Galileo's study into this theory would get on the bad side of the church leading to his work being band to the public by the church and government until nearly 200 years after his death. 

What is heliocentrism?


This Mughal Shah was remembered for his religious tolerance and even went as far to establish his own religious philosophy, Din-i- Ilahi

Who was Akbar the Great?


Upon the end of the English Civil War and the execution of King Charles I, England would enter "The Kingless Decade" under the military dictator of this former Civil War hero.

Who is Lord Protector Oliver Cromwell?


Following the death of his father, Louis XIV became king at the age of four. At this young age his life was threatened by this group who attacked his palace in Paris 

Who are the Fronde?


As many have done before, Czar Peter II sought to bring glory to his rule by building a grand palace, Peterhoff, in his brand new capital named this.

What is St. Petersburgh?


Building off of Andres Vesalius' studies in human anatomy, this science rev heart throb was ostracized for his controversial studies, only being widely accepted near his death.

Who was William Harvey?