Form of government in which a king or queen has total power over his or her kingdom
This country become the most powerful German kingdom under absolute monarchs including Frederick William and Frederick the Great
In addition to the king, this representative body was given political power by the Magna Carta
This English Enlightenment philosophe believed that all people had natural rights and that the government should be overthrown if it did not protect their rights
John Locke
Montesquieu argued for this in order to prevent oppression and the abuse of power
Separation of powers
Absolute monarchs justified their total power through this idea which states that God gave them the authority to rule
Divine right
Ivan the Terrible consolidated power in Russia by killing all this class of wealthy people
This English king wanted to rule like an absolutist and sought to arrest his critics in Parliament, leading to the English Civil War in 1642
King Charles I
John Locke believed that all people had the right to life, liberty, and ________.
This economic system was proposed by Adam Smith and rejects government interference in the economy
Capitalism/laissez-faire economy
The decline of the power of nobles and this person led to the rise of absolutism
the Pope
This side won the English Civil War
Parliament/Roundheads/Oliver Cromwell
This Enlightenment philosophe said government is required to protect the people's rights through a "social contract" and that laws should reflect the "general will"
This palace was built by King Louis 14th to showcase his power and massive wealth
This French king was the epitome of absolutism in Europe and declared "I am the State"
Louis 14th
Peter the Great changed this timekeeping tool to match that of Western Europe, switching new year celebrations from September 1 to January 1
the calendar
This document, signed by Parliament and William and Mary, established limits on the power of the Crown and protected the civil liberties of English people
The English Bill of Rights
This Enlightenment philosophe believed that the individual rights of women should also be protected
Mary Wollstonecraft
This is the name of England's form of government in which power is shared between the monarch and Parliament
Constitutional monarchy
Absolute monarchs usually increased the size of this, another word for having many government officials whose job is to enforce the monarch's will
Catherine the Great of Russia implemented this, a policy where the government banned speech and public expression that opposed her rule
Parliament invited Protestant King William of Orange and his wife Mary to rule England. They came to power as a result of this bloodless uprising
The Glorious Revolution
Voltaire argued that this right is the most important in a free society; it is protect by the First Amendment in the US
Freedom of speech
This document was written by Parliament before the English Civil War in which it claimed the "right" to have a say over taxes
Petition of Right