
Which dynastic family ruled over Austria in the 16th century?

The Habsburgs


What is the dynastic ruling family of Prussia?



What is the name of Peter the Great's son who was accused of conspiring against the tsar and beaten to death in jail before his execution?



Peter wanted to establish a Baltic presence by regaining access to lost territories. Which country did he declare war against AND what was the name of the king of this rival country?

Sweden & Charles XII


Which of the following enlightened despots stated "I am a pupil looking for a mentor"?

Peter the Great


What is the name of Maria Theresa's eldest son and heir to the Austrian throne? 

Joseph II


What attribute best described the Prussian state?

a. its army

b. its monarchy

c. its arts

d. its Table of Ranks

its army


What is the name of Russian dynastic ruling family?

They ruled Russia for over 300 years -- starting with Ivan 'the Terrible' and ending sadly with the execution of the royal family during WWI?

the Romanov's


What is the name of the naval fleet which Peter the Great developed in Russia? The __________ ______ ____________

The Baltic Sea Fleet


In an attempt to get revenge on his rival 'the Monster', Maria Theresa led a anti - Prussian coalition in which global war? 

In US history we call it the French and Indian War. What do people in Europe usually refer to this war as?

the Seven Years' War


What was the name of the royal decree that Charles VI issued to his dominion (kingdoms of the Holy Roman Empire such as Bohemia, Hungary etc) to guarantee his daughter -- Maria Theresa -- would inherit the Habsburg titles and lands upon his death?

Pragmatic Sanction


What is the name of the wealthy, usually land owning nobles in Prussia?



What is the name of the new capital city that the Tsar ordered to be built upon the Neva River in Russia?

Historians call it "the city built upon bones" -- 

St. Petersburg 


Which two nations did Peter the Great ally with against the Swedes in the Great Northern War?

AND what nation was victorious?

AND which nation was defeated?

What happened to the King of Sweden?

Denmark + Norway

Russia victory

Sweden defeat

Charles XII was fatally wounded after the Battle of Poltava


Which future ruler of Russia will have the BIGGEST MAN CRUSH on Frederick the Great?

He went so far as to changing the Russian military uniforms to be the same Prussian blue style -- and gave up fighting against Prussia. 

Peter III


What territory was invaded by Frederick the Great which sparked the War of Austrian Succession?



The Thirty Years War led to severe depopulation of Central Europe -- how much of the German population was wiped out?

What was the name of the Prussian skilled and/ or hired soldiers?




What is the name of the old Russian nobility -- they resented the efforts of Peter to bring modern ideas to Russia?


What did these Peter demand these nobles no longer have? 

the Boyars + long beards and Russian robes


As Tsar, Peter instituted reforms to weaken the influence of the old nobles, known as boyars. Explain how Peter reformed the system of taxation -- he instituted a new sweeping poll tax -- how did it change the way taxes were collected?

He replaced the household tax rate with a new poll tax rate which accounted for each peasant of member of the household to be assessed individually and taxed to be paid in cash.

This made the burden of taxation worse for the Russian peasants who struggled to pay the taxes in cash. 


Back in Russia -- Peter made reforms to weaken the power of the Orthodox Church and clergy members. 

What head of church position did he abolish? AND

What did he established to replace this singular position with a small appointed council by Peter himself? (two words)


Holy Synod 


You must answer ALL --

a. How many children did Maria Theresa have?

b. What was one reform of Maria Theresa?

c. What is one negative aspect about Maria Theresa as a despot?

d. What is the name of Maria Theresa's youngest daughter? 

a. 16 (11 daughters & 5 sons -- 10 survived to adulthood)

b. improving education, improving infant mortality rates, and vaccination of children

c. She was not religiously tolerate -- only allowed Catholicism

d. Marie Antionette (last Queen of France)



a. What nation was partitioned in 1772 by Austria, Prussia and Russia until after WWI?

b. What is one reform of Frederick the Great?

a. Poland

b. agriculture methods for increased production of crops, state sponsored education, religious toleration etc



a. How many times was Peter the Great married?

b. What is the name of Peter the Great's sister -- she orchestrated a rebellion among the old nobles while he was away...

c. Peter the Great was impressed by the navy and ship building capabilities of which Western European nation?

d. Why was Peter known to carry scissors around his court and royal palaces?

a. two

b. Sophia

c. England

d. cut the beards of traditional nobles, also known as boyars


Which of the following enlightened despots of Eastern Europe was known to say "I am a servant of the state" & his corresponding country?

AND which absolute ruler of Western Europe was known to say "Le'tat c'est moi" or "I am the state" & his corresponding country ?

 Both statements are very similar but have very different meanings. 

Frederick the Great was a servant of the state of Prussia

Louis XIV of France -- He is the state -- He is the Sun King 


What are THREE reforms of Frederick the Great?

Explain the goal or purpose for each of his reforms -- 

Ended lavish spending at court & established discipline within the army

Built a modernized bureaucracy -- positions and titles given based on merit and/or skills to benefit the state

Encouraged trade among the 360 Germanic states + required all children to go to school

Allowed men not of noble stock to move up the social ladder and become bureaucrats and/or judges 

Developed new methods in agriculture to increased crop production + food supply