Multiple Meanings

What does the word "benevolent" mean in the following sentence? "The benevolent teacher always helped her students with their problems."

Use the word benevolent in a sentence.


The benevolent woman fostered rescue dogs until they could find their forever homes. 


Name 2 meanings for the word "wave" and use the word in two different sentences. 

I waved goodbye to my mom. 

The waves at the ocean are soothing to listen to.


The haddock is an ocean fish and one of the most important fish along the east coast of the United States. It is caught along the New England coast, Newfoundland, and Canada. It weighs from 3 to 15 pounds and can be eaten fresh, dried, or smoked.

How would you summarize this paragraph? 

A. A haddock can range in size and is found along the east coast of the United States. 

B. The haddock, found along the east coast, is an important fish that is used for food. 

C. Haddock can be prepared in a number of ways.

D. The haddock is a kind of fish along the east coast.


What is an idiom?

A phrase with a figurative meaning


What is the category these words fall into: knife, scissors, shears

Cutting tools


What does the word "resilient" mean in the following sentence? "Despite the challenges, she remained resilient and continued to pursue her goals."

Create a sentence using the word resilient.


After I fell on the hurtles during my first competition, I remained resilient and practiced a lot to improve for the next competition. 


Name two meanings for the word "spring" and create two sentences using the word "spring".

The spring in the trampoline was broken.

He had a spring in his step. 

Because it was spring, the weather was warm.


Cellulose is the woody part of plants that gives them stiffness. Without cellulose, people would be without thousands of articles they use every day. Cotton fibers, linen cloth, coco matting, and manila rope are largely cellulose. Wood, too, is mostly cellulose, as is the paper that is made from wood. Cellulose is also used in the manufacture of certain plastics.

How would you summarize this paragraph? 

A. Cellulose, the woody part of plants, gives us many products. 

B. Cellulose is used in the manufacture of plastic products. 

C. Plants are stiff because of cellulose. 

D. Linen cloth is the product of plant cellulose.


Simone was nervous that she answered the question wrong, but the teacher said, "Simone, you hit the nail on the head!" 

What does "hit the nail on the head" mean? Use "hit the nail on the head" in your own sentence.

A: To make a mistake

B: To be exactly right

C: To start a project

D: To hurt oneself


What is the category these words fall into: hydrogen, oxygen, helium?


(periodic table elements)


What does the word "meticulous" mean in the following sentence? "She was meticulous in her work, ensuring every detail was perfect."

Create a sentence using the word "meticulous".


"I was meticulous when I scored the students' quizzes to make sure I marked all of the wrong answers."


Name two meanings for the word "match" and create two sentences using the word "match".

I lit the candle with a match. 

I enjoyed watching the tennis match. 

They found a perfect match for the paint color.


Dinosaurs once roamed the world. We know about the different kinds of these animals from bones we have found and footprints left in stone. Some dinosaurs were the size of roosters, and others were as large as houses. Some ate meat, and others were plant-eaters. Some of them were like birds, and others were like lizards. 

How would you summarize this paragraph? 

A. Some dinosaurs were like birds and others were more like lizards. 

B. Dinosaurs lived all over the world. 

C. All dinosaurs were large.

D. Dinosaurs came in different sizes, ate different foods, and looked different.


Billy wanted to talk to the new kid, but he wasn't sure how to break the ice. 

What does "break the ice" mean? Use "break the ice" in your own sentence.

A: To literally break ice

B: To start a conversation in a social setting

C: To end a relationship

D: To make a mistake


What is the category these words fall into: minuscule, petite, diminutive?

little, small


What does the word "ambiguous" mean in the following sentence? "The instructions were ambiguous, leaving the students confused about what to do."

Use the word "ambiguous" in a sentence.


It was ambiguous whether the main character died at the end of the movie, so the fans would have to wait to find out for sure when the sequel comes out. 


Name two meanings for the word "Bank" and create two sentences using the word "bank".

I went to the bank to get money from the ATM. 

I sat on the bank of the river with my dog.


There was a time in this country when women could not be doctors. Elizabeth Blackwell faced this problem and she became the first woman doctor in the United States. Education for girls at that time was mainly in music, sewing, and cooking, but Elizabeth learned math, science, and history. Blackwell applied to 29 medical schools, but she learned that no medical school wanted a female student. Even after she went to medical school, she was not allowed to treat patients in any hospitals. So, she started her own hospital for poor patients.

How would you summarize this paragraph? 

A. Elizabeth Blackwell overcame many challenges to become the first female doctor in the U.S.

B. Elizabeth Blackwell was the first female doctor in the U.S.

C. Girls learned music, sewing, and cooking.

D. Elizabeth learned math, science, and history.


Theresa re-took the test three times but she still couldn't pass it. Her mom said, "Maybe it's time to throw in the towel." 

What does it mean to "throw in the towel"? Use "throw in the towel" in your own sentence.

A. Stop attending school

B. Keep trying

C. Give Up

D. Throw a towel at someone


What is the category these words fall into: herbivore, omnivore, carnivore?

Animals' diets


What does the word "candid" mean in the following sentence? "He gave a candid response when asked about his opinion on his wife's dress and said he didn't like it, even though it hurt his wife's feelings."

Use the word candid in a sentence.

Frank/Honestly straight-forward

I was candid with my brother that he hurt my feelings when he didn't invite me to his Christmas party.


Name at least two meanings for the word current and use it in two different sentences. 

The river's current pulled my hat downstream. 

She read the current news online. 

He measured the electrical current.


Measles is a common childhood disease. Adults can get the measles, but most people have already had it before they become adults. It begins when a person is exposed to a tiny germ called a virus. Eleven days later, the person seems to be getting a cold and might have a headache and a runny nose. In a few days, a fever develops, and then a rash breaks out. Fortunately, there is now a vaccine that is given to children to prevent them from getting measles.

How would you summarize this paragraph? 

A. Measles is a dangerous disease. 

B. Adults can get the measles but most people get it as children. 

C. The first sign of measles is a cold then you develop a fever and a rash.

D. Measles is a childhood disease caused by a virus that can cause a lot of symptoms but can be prevented with a vaccine.


Leia told her friend that she completely forgot she had a Spanish test today. Her friend said, "I'm in the same boat! I forgot Mr. Garcia said the test would be today!"

What does it mean to be "in the same boat?" Use "in the same boat" in a sentence. 

A. be in a similar situation

B. be sharing a boat

C. share the answers

D. forget something important


What is the category these words fall into: igloo, teepee, palace?

shelters, homes, dwellings