the place you throw things
what is the ground
it is a way of selling a product that we took to an extreme to try to make our 6th-grade selves millionaires.
what is an infomercial
they won band of the year
who is strike 4
16 things you do in class to disrupt the system
what are the 16 Ginsbergian Things to Do in Class or Home
he is the aardvark that we used to see in emails
who is carl
it is the place we were making great again
why is Havertown
my jeopardy game so it was the name of our band
who were the dumpster dogs
it is a very hyperactive squirrel
what is a crack squirrel
an animal that the system is making extinct
what is the Fuqousti
it was the project our parents came in for
what was the good country project
it is who you are as a person (its your _______)
what is your esseence
It was the amount of time we had for a presentation
how long is 3:33
the person you stick it too, they represent the system
who is THE MAN
it is a magical number that determines a country's stuff
what is 6.8
a work of art that has do with death
what is a macabre
shhhhh _________
what is naked
it is the real shape of the earth
what is a dinosaur
it is everything, everything is it, our first seminar projects
what is a remix
it was dr finns band name
what was 6.8
it is what you need for entrance
what is a clean spoon