Abu Bakr cried when this man became Muslim.
Who was Abu Quhafah?
Abu Bakr is only his nickname. He had an official name that went _____ ibn __________.
Who was Abdullah ibn abi Quhafa?
It was this journey that Abu Bakr had been preparing for and hoping to accompany the Prophet (saws).
What is hijrah?
This woman financed the first Islamic movement.
Who was Khadijah bint Khuwaylid (ra)?
A person, place, thing, or idea falls under this category in grammar.
What is a noun?
This woman gave birth to Abu Bakr (r).
Who was Umm Khayr?
This nickname meant freed from the fire or freed from death.
What is "Ateeq"?
At a fundraiser, this is what Abu Bakr left for his family.
Who are Allah and His Messenger?
This man was the first to confirm Muhammad's (saws) prophethood.
Who was Waraqah ibn Nawfal?
This poem contains 26 lines, each line beginning with a letter from the alphabet.
What is an abecedarian poem?
The woman with two belts.
Who was Asma bint Abu Bakr?
The title given to two men from Banu Taym.
Who were the two tied ones?
Abu Bakr went to her house to perform a secret deed.
Who was the blind woman?
The only Haneef who did not become Christian.
Who was Zaid ibn Amr?
When writing about literature, universal truths, or current events, this verb tense is typically used to keep the writing clear and immediate.
What is present tense?
This son was in charge of delivering 100 camels if a bet was lost.
Who was Abdur Rahman ibn Abu Bakr?
After the passing of the Prophet Muhammad (saws), Abu Bakr (r) was given this title as the first leader of the Muslim Ummah.
What is a Khalifah?
Abu Bakr's reward for freeing slaves was mentioned in this surah.
What is Surat ul Layl?
The actual name of the father of Ali ibn Abu Talib.
What is Abd Manaf?
This formatting rule requires you to start the first line of a paragraph slightly to the right to signal a new idea.
What is indent?
Abu Bakr did not join Hajj this particular year because his son was born here.
What is the Miqaat?
Abu Bakr would have had this title if the Prophet (saws) did not already promise it to Allah swt.
What is a khaleel?
These six men who came to Islam through him were promised Jannah.
Who were Uthmaan, Talhah ibn 'Ubaydillah, Az-Zubayr, Sa'd ibn Abi Waqqaas, 'Abdur-Rahmaan ibn 'Awf; and Abu 'Ubaydah ibn Al-Jarraah?
This woman was born in approximately the year 557.
Who was Umm Ayman or Barakah (ra)?
This part of speech describes how, when, where, or to what extent an action is performed.
What is an adverb?