Dos of Documentation
Violence/Abusive Behaviour Toward Staff
Violence & Evidence of Abuse
Participant Abuse
Don'ts of Documentation

Who should do the charting?

The person is providing care or observed event.


What is a Comprehensive Behaviour Support Plan (CBSP)?

A written plan which documents process and results with recording of the process with the participant.

Aims to provide ecological changes, positive programming, focused support and reactive strategies


Report suspicion or evidence of abuse outside of plus to _______

Who will notify _______

Supervisor or Coordinator

General Manager


What is neglect

Failure to provide necessary supports that may result in harm or loss appropriate to participants demographic.

Including but not limited to: food, clothing, shelter, etc.

May or may not be intentional


Chart the facts, not...

your opinions


It is important to include the ______ & ______ on your entry.

Date & Time

Upon completion of violence training for a specific individual staff will be able to:

Understand the participant's potential for violence and/or abusive behaviour

Demonstrate they can implement CBSP

Sign off on training


What should you do if you do not feel safe?

Remove yourself from the situation


What is sexual abuse?

Any form of exploitative sexual behaviour or unwanted sexual touch. Eg. harassment, sexual assault, etc.


Don't leave empty spaces, instead...

Fill in the empty line or space with a single line to prevent charting by someone else.

When should charting take place?

As soon as possible.


When will investigations take place?

An internal investigation will be conducted following all incidents of violent and or abusive behaviour where warranted


Evidence of Physical or Psychological Abuse

Any outward signs of bodily injury

Repeated occurrences of agitation or depression, abnormal emotion displayed


If the alleged perpetrator is a staff, board member or other person associated with the organization?

Alleged perpetrator will be made known of allegations, and removed from worksite. And be informed an investigation is taking place.

If police are involved, police will inform perpetrator


Don't name a second client as this violates that client's confidentiality, instead refer to the second client as:


"another client"



How do you continue documentation that continues onto the next page?

Sign bottom, and place date/time at the top of page and include "continued from Previous page"


Draw a line through the blanks at the end of the page and start on next page.


A file will be opened on each incident and will contain:

Written and signed statements by staff members and witness(es)

Outcome of review

Investigation Committee report and all other pertinent information


Define Violence

Attempted, threatened, and actual action that causes or could cause injury

Includes threats that could be thought to cause the worker injury


When and who are are you obligated to report?


Supervisor or in their absence the General Manager


Don't alter a clients record, this is a criminal offense, this can include:

Don't add information at a later date without indicating that you did so.

Don't date the entry so that it appears to have been written at an earlier time.

Don't add inaccurate information.

Don't destroy records.


What three things do we need to consider to chart completely, concisely and accurately?

Write clear direct sentences

Use simple and precise words

It's okay to use "I"


Post incident actions to be taken for the affected staff member:

Medical treatment as required arranged by GM

Debriefing and support, and reassurance the staff is still in a safe work environment

Opportunity for post incident counselling

Option to contact police will be supported

No loss of pay or benefits with treatment/counselling/training program


Even without policy you have the right to

Seek or exercise legal rights through RCMP, Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission, or Occupational Health and Safety Division


Ensure confidentiality of all information related to an allegation of abuse by:

Treating all information obtained as confidential and limited to those directly involved

Plus Industries Inc. will inform third-party representatives/advocates that information is confidential


Don't white out or erase what has been written, instead ______

Draw a single line through the entry and write "mistaken entry"