What Skills
How Skills
Wise Mind
Other Perspectives
Core Mindfulness Skill Practice

Name the first "What" Skill that we discussed in group



Name the first "How" skill we discussed in group



What are the 3 states of Mind in mindfulness?

Reasonable Mind, Emotional Mind, and Wise Mind


In your notes there were three points that define what Loving Kindness is, name one.

Any one of these:

1. A Practice of Mentally Sending Warm Wishes

2. An Ancient Spiritual Meditation Practice

3. A Form of Visualization


Use the Mindfulness skill of "Describe" to describe something in the room through your senses.

This can be an example of anything that the participant may describe through their 5 senses (what they see, hear, smell, feel, taste).

Example: "I see this paper, it is white, feels smooth, rustles when I move it; doesn't have a smell."


Name the second "What" Skill we discussed in group



Name the second "How" skill we discussed in group



When in Reasonable mind, what is at least one thing are you ruled by? 


When in Reasonable mind, what is at least one thing that is most important?

facts, reason, and logic.


Fill in the blank, the goal of loving kindness is to increase _____ and _______ towards ourselves and others. 

love and compassion. 


Name one of the three goals of Mindfulness Practice from your notes.

Any of these:

1. Reduce Suffering and Increase Happiness

2. Increase Control of Your Mind

3. Experience Reality as it is


Name the third "What" Skill we discussed in group



Name the third "How" skill we discussed in group



When in Emotion mind, what is at least one thing you are ruled by?


When in Emotion mind, what is at least one thing that is most important?

moods, feelings, and urges to do or say things.


Fill in the blank, Being mind is like "______ Mind"



Name one of the three universal characteristics of Mindfulness from the Mindfulness Definitions in your notes. (What is mindfulness?)

Any of these:

1. Intentionally living with awareness in the present moment.

2. Without judgement or rejecting the moment.

3. Without attachment to the moment.


Name 3 things you can do to "observe" from Handout 4.

Notice body sensations (5 senses)

Pay attention to the present moment

Control your attention

Practice wordless watching

Observe both inside and outside yourself


Name 2 things you can do to be "nonjudgmental" from Handout 5.

See, but don't evaluate as good or bad

Accept each moment like a blanket spread out

Acknowledge the differences in things, but don't judge them.

Don't judge your judging.


What is one thing that is important or valued when in "Wise Mind"?

The wisdom within each person

Seeing the value of both reason and emotion

Bringing left brain and right brain together

the middle path


Fill in the blanks, 

  • In doing mind, we lose sight of the value of the ______  ________.

present moment


What are 2 of the 3 ways in which we talked about how to be mindful?

Any 2 of these:

Meditation, Contemplative or "Centering" Prayer, Mindfulness Movement


What are 3 ideas for practicing "Participating"?

Refer to Handout 4C; however this can be an example of anything in which the participant engages in with awareness of connections to the universe. 

Examples: dancing to music, singing along with music, going running, playing a sport or game, reading, school, groups, etc.


What does it mean to act "Effectively"?

To focus on what works in the situation and doing exactly what it takes to achieve goals.


Name one of the ways in which we practiced Wise Mind in group.

Stone Flake on the Lake

Walking down the spiral stairs

Breathing "Wise" in, "Mind" out.

Asking Wise Mind a question

Asking is this Wise Mind?

Attending to your breath, letting your attention settle into your center

Expanding Awareness

Dropping into the pauses between inhaling and exhaling.


Give 2 examples of the synthesis of opposites that you balance in walking the middle path (there will be 4 total responses).

Any 2 of these:

-Reasonable Mind and Emotion Mind

-Doing Mind and Being Mind

-Intense Desire for Change and Radical Acceptance

-Self- Denial and Self- Indulgence


Fill in the blank:

Mindfulness skills require __________ to be effective. Using Mindfulness can be difficult at first. 
