A-G Requirements
Graduation Requirements
Previous Presentation Topics
Riddle me this

How many years do you need to complete for Visual and Performing Arts?

What is 1 year?


I must pass this class in order to graduate from high school? (Hint: Not an A-G)

What is Physical Education?


I must enroll in __ __ in May to recover credits from previous classes

What is summer school?


What gets wet while drying?

What is a towel?


I need four years of ____ to complete my "B" requirement

What is English?

I must apply to __ scholarships to be eligible to graduation

what is 5?


Why were you invited to work in this group?

What is to grow as a student and person in our quest towards graduation? (credit recovery)


What has legs, but doesn’t walk?

What is a table?


A-G classes are fulfilled if you pass with a __ or better.

What is a C or better?


Mr. Escobar uses a ___ ___ to see what A-G classes I have completed. (Hint: Everyone has seen this)

What is a graduation tracker?

Name 2 tips that was mentioned that can help you start your day?

What are morning routine, showering in the morning/Making breakfast, sleeping early, disconnect


If you’re running in a race and you pass the person in second place, what place are you in?

What is second place?


Although you need two years to complete, you need one year of each to satisfy "D"

What is physical and life science?


True or False: The class of 2022 requires to have 50 Volunteer Hours in order to graduate

What is false?


“A _____ ______, is a public declaration that organizations or individuals use to describe their high-level goals for the future-- what they hope to achieve if they successfully fulfill their mission.”

What is a vision statement?


I’m light as a feather, yet the strongest person can’t hold me for five minutes. What am I?

What is your breathe?


Validation occurs when you pass the 2nd semester of a course, resulting in you not needing to repeat. What subjects does this only apply for?

What is Math and Foreign Language?


In order to graduate, you need ___ credits. 

What is 220?


It is important to monitor your ___ ___ to see when you are the most tired and the most energetic. 

What is your energy levels?


What has a thumb and four fingers, but is not a hand?

What is a glove?