AC Hotels
Vesta Hospitality
Vancouver, WA
Morning Questions

This loyalty program offers discounted rates, free Wi-Fi, and points to spend on travel with any Marriott hotels.

What is Marriott Bonvoy?


This is the main target market for AC Hotels, focusing on travelers needing functional and stylish accommodations.

What are business travelers?


Vesta was founded by this industry leader.

Who is Rick Takach, Jr?


This river borders Vancouver, Washington.

What is the Columbia River?


You can ask this question all day long, but always get a different answer, and yet all the answers will be correct.

What time is it?


The headquarters of Marriott International is located in this U.S. state.

What is Maryland?


The AC Hotels brand was founded in this European country, which is also known for its cuisine and historical architecture.”

What is Spain?


Vesta's ownership group recently acquired this Portland property.

What is the Shilo Inn?


Vancouver, Washington is home to this historic military installation, originally established in 1805 as a fort.

What is Fort Vancouver?


This sport was invented in the 1870s from throwing pie plates.

What is frisbee?


Members can enjoy benefits such as room upgrades and early check-in by reaching this tier of the program.

What is Gold Elite or higher?


AC Hotels is known for offering this type of breakfast, which typically includes a variety of fresh and nutritious options.”

What is a continental breakfast?


Vesta Hospitality was established in this year as Northwest Hospitality Group before changing its name to Vesta Hospitality.

What is 1996?


Vancouver, Washington is part of this county, which also includes cities like Battle Ground and Washougal.

What is Clark County?


This person said, "All our dreams come true, if we have the courage to pursue them."

Who is Walt Disney?


Marriott introduced this feature that allows guests to use their smartphones as a room key.

What is Mobile Key?


This is the signature drink of AC Hotels.

What is a Gin Tonic?


Vesta Hospitality is driven by these values that are the foundation for providing genuine hospitality to our guests.

What are Be "In The Know," Communicate & Collaborate, Own It, Think Ahead, Make It Personal, Spark Success, and Be An Inspiration?


This community hub, is the oldest public square in the West. The 5.4-acre park was dedicated in 1855 and remains the area’s gathering place in downtown Vancouver.

What is Esther Short Park?


In 1885, this gift of friendship arrived in the New York Harbor after being shipped across the Atlantic Ocean in 350 individual pieces.

What is The Statue of Liberty?


Marriott's many brands are split into these three categories.

What are Select, Premium, and Luxury?


AC Hotels was founded in 1999 by this businessman.

Who is Antonio Catalán?


On this day, our hotel had it's opening party.

What is 


The city of Vancouver, Washington is named after this British explorer who is credited with exploring the Pacific Northwest in the late 18th century.

Who is George Vancouver?


This word refers to the belief that the world tends to improve and that humans can aid its betterment.

What is Meliorism?