ACHS Sports
ACHS Teachers
Who’s the Girl’s Varsity Basketball Coach? BEFORE YOU ANSWER THE QUESTION: Find someone with gray sweats, and someone with basketball shorts and tennis shoes! Tuck the flags in we give you to KNEE-LENGTH and be the last team with flags left!
Mrs. Stewart PRIZE: 1 class point
Who is the married couple at this school? BEFORE YOU ANSWER THE QUESTION: -Find someone with converses and a jacket, and someone with a ponytail and earrings! Hold hands and make a circle around 2 VSW’s!
Mr. Goff and Mrs. Goff PRIZE: 1 class point
What are the class colors? BEFORE YOU ANSWER THE QUESTION: Find someone with a gray shirt and blue jeans, and someone with a green shirt and blue jeans! Get two teachers and wrap them each from head to toe with toilet paper!
Freshmen: Green Sophomores: White Juniors: Gold Seniors: Black PRIZE: 1 class point
Find the misteak.
"Misteak" should be spelled "mistake." PRIZE: 1 class point
What does Mr. Olson coach?
Cross Country LIGHTNING ROUND EACH OF YOU hug Mr. Olson and pop 2 balloons between the two of you under 90 seconds for points! PRIZE: 2 class points
Who's legs have Love & Trust? First person to tag this teacher gets the points!
Mr. MacMillan PRIZE: 2 class points
What is the lunchtime activity every Friday of Spirit Week? BEFORE YOU ANSWER THE QUESTION: -Find someone with converses and a jacket, and someone with a ponytail and earrings! Hold hands and make a circle around 2 VSW’s!
Musical Chairs PRIZE: 2 class points
What dessert can jiggle without anything moving in it?
Jello LIGHTNING ROUND: Eat the jello out of Wolfie's paws using no hands for points! PRIZE: 2 class points
Where was the 1st football game? BEFORE YOU ANSWER THE QUESTION: Find someone with a gray shirt and blue jeans, and someone with a green shirt and blue jeans! Get two teachers and wrap them each from head to toe with toilet paper!
Vacaville High PRIZE: Open 1 briefcase
Who wrote the novel Seven Princes? First person to tag this teacher gets the points!
Mr. Fultz PRIZE: Open 1 briefcase
Fill in the blank: "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ________ ____ _____!" BEFORE YOU ANSWER THE QUESTION: Find someone with gray sweats, and someone with basketball shorts and tennis shoes! Tuck the flags in we give you to KNEE-LENGTH and be the last team with flags left!
Freshman come alive! PRIZE: Open 1 briefcase
What's the second thing they ask you at Subway? BEFORE YOU ANSWER THE QUESTION: Find someone with converses and a jacket, and someone with a ponytail and earrings! Hold hands and make a circle around 2 VSW’s!
What kind of bread? PRIZE: Open 1 briefcase
Name one of the two Men's Water Polo captains.
Daniel Robinett and Jacob Brown. PRIZE: Open 2 briefcases.
What other school did the two "Ms. S's" teach at?
ACMS LIGHTNING ROUND: Find them, link arms, and all 3 of you hop back on one foot for the points! PRIZE: Open 2 briefcases.
Who is this year's new Leadership teacher?
Ms. Goularte LIGHTNING ROUND: Team up with Tiersa and have a 3-legged race against Ms. Goularte and Wolfie! PRIZE: Open 2 briefcases.
What grade is Wolfie in (according to his ID)? BEFORE YOU ANSWER THE QUESTION: Find someone with a gray shirt and blue jeans, and someone with a green shirt and blue jeans! Get two teachers and wrap them each from head to toe with toilet paper!
12th Grade PRIZE: Open 2 briefcases.