Prefix meaning rapid
What is brady
What is phaco?
The combining form hearing.
What is audio?
The combining form for throat.
What is pharyngo?
The medical term for enlarged heart muscle.
What is cardiomyopathy.
The medical term for paralysis of the coloured portion of the eye.
What is iridoplegia?
The combining form for eardrum.
What is tympano?
The combining form for breathing.
What is spiro?
The medical term breakdown for arteriorrhaphy
What is suturing an artery.
Combining form meaning dull or dim.
What is amblyo?
Medical term breakdown for burst eardrum.
What is tympanorrhexis?
The medical term for straight breathing.
What is orthopnea?
myocardial infarction
What is a heart attack?
What is pulse?
The medical term breakdown for blepharoptosis,
What is drooping eyelid.
The medical term for abnormal condition of hardening of the eardrum.
What is tympanosclerosis? What is myringosclerosis?
Instrument to record the lungs.
What is pneumograph?
What is a nosebleed?
What is angina.
Professional practice that examines the eyes for disease, assessing visual acuity, prescribing corrective lenses.
What is optometry?
A 35-year-old male musician seen in the ENT clinic for progressive hearing loss for the past 15 years. The diagnosis for this type of hearing loss.
What is conductive hearing loss?
A chronic lung disease characterized by obstructive airflow most often caused by smoking.
What is COPD? What is emphysema?
What is abnormal breathing sounds? (Low-pitched sounds resembling snoring.)