Missing Person
Power Outage/Heat Failure/Water Outage
Medical Emergency (Drug/Alcohol)
Mental Health Crisis

This often-used threshold of time is not required at Champlain when reporting a missing student.

What is 24-48 hours?


This is a good first step to gauge the severity of a power outage/flood/HVAC concern.

What is go to the building in-person?


This may occur if a student is heavily intoxicated and needs medical assistance.

What is a medical transport to UVM Medical by CPS?


This is a mental health resource who can speak with a student in crisis to determine if they need a transport to the hospital?

Who is Protocol?


Painted by Leonardo da Vinci, this iconic portrait showcases a woman with a mysterious and captivating smile.

What is the Mona Lisa?


This office (not HRL) has access to activity logs related to door swipe history

Who is CPS?


This type of room can be used to relocate a small number of students affected by a power outage.

What are emergency spaces (or vacant beds)?


An RA asks which style of report should be written when documenting a student who is in distress due to drugs/alcohol. 

What is... it depends!

If it is an emergent situation (currently intoxicated, physically ill), submit incident report.

If this is a conversation where a student discloses concerns with their substance use, a CARE report is appropriate.


It is always important to do this before the student hangs up the phone after speaking with a mental health professional.

What is have a conversation with Protocol to discuss next steps?


Formed by centuries of erosion, this geological formation in Arizona is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

What is the Grand Canyon?


This office (not HRL) has access to activity logs related to dining hall swipe history

Who is Compass?


This piece of safety equipment must be functioning properly for a student to stay overnight

What are sprinkler systems?


This may be required of an AC if CPS has transported a student to UVM Medical, but are short staffed.

What is staying with the student at the hospital until family arrives?


This is a helpful way to connect a student in crisis with a campus resource during business hours.

What is walking them to Counselling?


Isolated in 1945 during the Manhattan Project, this element changed the course of history and defined the Atomic Age.

What is plutonium?


This kind of behavior is often seen as an escalation in missing person cases

What is evidence that the student is hurt or has plans to harm self or others?


This is place on campus is a potential option when moving an entire building of students in the case of an emergency.

What is the Champlain Room?


This person will determine if, and by whom, a call to an emergency contact is needed when a student is in crisis.

Who is Admin on Call? 

Also acceptable: Who is Dean of Students?


When a student is struggling with mental health, asking questions like this does not plant an idea in their head, but instead give you a better understanding of how to support them.

What is asking questions like: are you experiencing thoughts or suicide or self-harm? Do you have a plan?


Regarded as one of the greatest filmmakers in history, this director created masterpieces like “The Godfather” and “Apocalypse Now.”

Who is Francis Ford Coppola?


If local police are involved, a staff member will need to do this, while the police complete their investigation, which may include confiscating the missing students computer.

What is escort them to the students room?


This safety practice, requiring a staff member to remain in the building and do a full walk of the community every hour, is used when a power outage knocks out a fire suppression system.

What is 24-hour fire watch (fire rounds)?


This office may request you to follow up with a student after a medical incident involving drugs or alcohol.

Who is Counselling?

Who is Office of Student Conduct?

Who is the Student Health Center?


This group of professionals may ask you or your team to follow up with a student post-event

Who is the CARE team?


Situated on the banks of the Danube River, this European capital city is known for its rich history and stunning architecture.

What is Vienna?