The Bible Gives Life to Christians
The Bible is the Authority over Christians
The Bible Helps Christians Grow
The Bible Must Be Read
The Bible Must Be Proclaimed

When should we read our Bibles? 



What are some ways the Bible have in believers' lives as their authority? 

Teach them how to think (romans 12:2) and tells them how to live (Deu 30:19-20; Matt 28:20)


Which character of the Bible is emphasized on 2 Peter 1:3? 

Inspired? Inerrant? Authoritative? Sufficient? 



What does it mean to meditate on the Bible? Why should you meditate on the Bible? 

To think about what you read

To better understand it


In 2 Tim 4:3-4, what is the result of listening to false teachers? 

The hearers are led astray by the false teaching they now listen to. 


Which ethnic group has received God's salvation first?

Roman's 1:16



Why is the Bible authoritative?  

It is God's Word. 

Inspired, inerrant, authoritative, sufficient


What is marked by deep longing for God's Word, as a baby craves and delights in their mother's milk? 

SPIRITUAL GROWTH is marked by deep longing for God's Word, as a baby craves and delights in their mother's milk. 

Those who belong to the Lord must long for the Bible because it is His Word (Psalm 1:1-2; 19:7-11)


In Joshua 1:8a, what is the reason for meditate on God's word? How often? 

You may be careful to do according to ALL that is written in it. 

Shall not depart, day and night


Why should believers proclaim the Bible? 

To spread the gospel (2 Cor 5:18-20)


Since God is Holy and His standard is perfect obedience to the Law, will any one has hope of salvation if left to himself?

No hope for salvation on our own. God's grace and trust on Jesus Christ's person and work -- substitutional atonement (faith in Christ alone)

Romans 3:10, 23, 6:23; Ephesian 2:8-9

2 Cor 5:21


Which books of the Bible are authoritative? and in what areas of believers' lives should the Bible be our authority?

The whole thing, not pick and choose what parts of the Bible to believe and obey

All areas (2 Peter 1:3)


Why should a person trust the Bible? 

It alone has the truth. Psalm 119:160; 43


What is Paul's command to Timothy in 1 Tim 4:13?

devote yourself to 

Public reading of the Scripture, 

to exhortation, 

to teaching

Also God's command to preachers


What is the definition of proclamation?

Speak publicly in front of an audience


How does the Bible guides the lives of Christians? What passage in this unit's memory verse reveal this truth?

The Bible reveals sin and helps Christians to stay on the right path following God. 

Psalm 119:105


What is the definition of authority?

The right to tell someone what to do or what to believe


From 1 Peter 2:1-3 (including your memory verse), what else is the Bible necessary for? 

Spiritual growth of Christians and only Christians. 

It must be longed for

It matures Christians

teaching, reproof, correction and training in righteousness (2 Tim 3:16)


If believers are to receive the spiritual benefit of growing in Christ, the Bible must be ----, -------, and -------- on.

Read, Studied and Meditated on.


What the preaching would look like in 2 Tim 4:2?

In season and out of season

Reprove, rebuke and exhort

with complete patience and teaching



In Romans 1:16, who is not ashamed of the gospel and why? Who are the objects of God's salvation? 


For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the jews first and also to the Greek


What should our response be to the authority of God's Word? 

To obey God's word, to turn from our sin, to trust in Jesus as our Savoir, etc


According to 1 Peter 1:23-25, what is necessary for salvation? What else did you learn about this in these verses? 

the living and abiding word of God (ESV)

the living and enduring word of God (LSB)

Means of salvation; The Holy Spirit uses the Word of God to give life to His people


What is the main goal of private and public reading of the Bible? 

To learn who God is and what He has done; and proclaim His plans, character and actions


Why the Bible must be proclaimed? 

2 Tim 4:1-4

It is commanded

     God is witness, with much effort

It is countered

     Accumulations of false teachers, acceptance of false teachings