Student Responsibilities
Goal Setting &
Goal Exploration
Self-Assessment & Habits of Successful Ss
Time Management & Test-Taking Strategies
Information that should be included on a college syllabus.
What are the instructor’s contact info & office hours, class policies, grading, outline of instruction [i.e. schedule of topics covered each class]
Difference between a pre-requisite course and a co-requisite course.
What is a pre-requisite course must be taken BEFORE another class, but a co-requisite must be taken at the SAME TIME as another course?
The difference between inner and outer success.
What is Outer – things other could observe (good grades, getting a degree, etc.); Inner - Focus on learning, Discover personal values, Learn more about yourself?
The 2:1 rule.
What is spend 2 hours of studying for every contact hour spent in class?
A philosophy meaning any legal resident of the United States who is a high school graduate or at least 18 years old can be admitted to the school.
What is the “Open Door Philosophy?”
What you do if you want to register for a class that is full
What is put yourself on the waitlist?
The difference between credit hours and contact hours. Also, the one that is used to calculate your GPA and your tuition bill.
What is credit hours used to calculate GPA & tuition bill, contact hours are the hours spent in class/lab each week?
What you would do before, during and after an informational interview.
What are be clear about your intentions, prep questions, dress professionally arrive early, look person in the eye, shake their hand, be aware of the person’s time, thank them?
The difference between a to-do list and a planner
What is a planner is more time-specific?
The different types of credentials available at NC community colleges; and the ones with which you can transfer to a four year university.
What are Associate in Arts, Associate in Science, Associate in Applied Science, Associate in Fine Arts, Associate in General Education, Diploma, Certificate; AA, AS, AAS, AFA
Why it is important to attend class in college
What is guidance on what’s coming for an exam, attendance counts towards your grade, even the 1st day is important – expectations, understand how the class is organized, many instructors begin teaching the 1st day
Definition of the Comprehensive Articulation Agreement; Bilateral agreement; the similarities and differences between the two
What is the NC law stating community college that are designated as transferable will transfer to all NC universities who’ve signed the agreement; specific agreement between a community college & university for transfer to a specific program; both help students transfer, bilateral is more limited?
If a student cheats on an exam and doesn’t get caught, that student (has/has not) violated the academic integrity policy. What you are supposed to do if you know a student cheated.
What is yes (has violated it); alert instructor or Dean of Students?
Breaking up a large assignment into smaller tasks that can be completed over time
What is distributed practice?
Definition of the Occupational Outlook Handbook and the kind of information can be found there
What is a reliable source of info about careers across the US, published every 2 years by Department of Labor?
The difference between dropping a class and withdrawing from a class. Also, the differences between the grades of W and WF.
What is a student dropping a class before the add/drop period is over, and W doesn't count towards GPA where as WF counts as an "F"?
3 of the 7 strategies for effective goal setting
What is self-assessment, incorporate knowledge from goal exploration to be specific, write down goals, use “I will…” statements, prioritize goals, write performance (not outcome) goals, anticipate obstacles?
The differences between visual, auditory and kinesthetic learners; The meaning of “multi-modal learner”
What is Visual – remember what they see (images, diagrams, charts); Auditory – remember words (what they hear/read); Kinesthetic – remember by using their senses (hands-on, active application); Multi-modal – use a combination of all 3?
Strategies can you utilize before you take a test to ensure success
What are distributed practice, keeping your distance from nervous classmates, asking in advance about test format and time allowed for test, active recall (making up quizzes for yourself, outlining answers for possible essay question, answering questions the instructor posed in class), arriving early, using a positive mantra, sitting far from the door if people finishing early distracts you?
At least one strategy that can be used for each of the following types of test questions: multiple choice, true/false, fill in the blank, short answer, matching and essay questions.
What is MC- make a guess, Come up with your own answer before looking at the options, Process of elimination; T/F - Always make a guess, If any part of the statement is false, the whole thing is false; FitB – hardest to do, but try to visualize bolded words from text and things instructor highlighted in class; SA - Answer who, what, when, where, why, and how, focus on what you know; M - Process of Elimination, If the left hand column is terms and the right is explanations, read the RIGHT hand column first and match back over to the left; E – annotate question, write outline, focus on what you know?
How college is different from high school.
What are taking charge of their own learning, completing work before class, arriving to class prepared & ready to participate, seeking help when they need it?
These are the 5 categories of a SMART goal.
What is Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Time-bound?
The 8 habits of successful students
What are Personal Responsibility, Self-motivation, Self-management, Interdependence, Self-awareness, Life-long Learning, Emotional Intelligence, Believing in Yourself
General strategies to use during the test.
What are mind dump, survey the whole test first, use two-pass method, carefully read directions, annotate questions, don’t leave questions blank, pace yourself
The different types of services each of the following WT resources specialize in a. Advising b. Career and Employment Resources c. Disability Support Services d. Financial Aid e. ILC f. Library
What is a. Direction on how to arrange class schedule to meet goals b. Direction on how to find a career to fit you, resume assistance c. Assistance and support for students who are eligible to receive accommodations for a disability d. Help in paying for college e. Free tutoring f. Resources, research help, etc.