Sections A & B
Sections C & D
Sections E & F
Sections G, H, & I

Counselors present clients with a document that outlines what to expect from counseling, techniques, goals, who can consent, and fees.

What is A.2.a., A.2.b., and A.2.d.?

As mentioned last week, counselors in New Jersey are required to earn 40 hours of credit every two years to maintain their license and competence.

What is C.2.f.?


A counselor uses the intake interview and DSM-V to diagnose a client

What is E.5.a.?


A counselor documents what ethical dilemmas and decisions they experience.

What is I.1.b.?


Counselors explain the limits of confidentiality; including: Duty to warn, Subordinates, Treatment teams, Consultation, Group and families, Third-party payers, Minors,Contagious, life-threatening diseases, Court-ordered disclosure.

What is B.2.a.?


This code stipulates that counselors wait 5 years from their last professional contact with clients before engaging in sexual or romantic relationships.

What is A.5.c.?


Counselor A notices that Counselor B is slurring their speech and seems disconnected from reality. Counselor A secures transportation for Counselor B and helps reschedule their clients.

What is C.2.g.?


A supervisor notices that a supervisee is struggling with clients and does not seem to show any improvement. They recommend the supervisee be removed from the site.

What is F.6.b.?


A counselor explains the expectations and boundaries of distance counseling with a client.

What is H.4.a., H.4.b.?


A practicum counselor leaves client files in an unlocked filing cabinet in the office waiting room.

What is B.6.b.?


On their last session, a client gives their counselor a $50 gift card to a local restaurant. The counselor refuses.

What is A.10.f.?
A supervisor assigns new clients to Counselor A and Counselor B based on their experience.

What is D.1.f.?


A supervisor and supervisee have begun a sexual relationship. The supervisee gets preferential treatment and the "best" clients.

What is F.3.b., F.3.c.?


A counselor who is conducting distance counseling sends a client who is visually impaired session handouts before they meet. 

What is H.5.d.?


A client requests to view their records. The counselor asks the client if they can review these documents next week so that the counselor can prepare.

What is B.6.e.?


A client discloses to their counselor that they recently tested positive for COVID-19 and that the counselor may have been exposed recently. The counselor then tests positive and must adhere to contract tracing protocols.

What is B.2.a., B.2.c., B.2.e.?


A counselor meets with a client who presents with symptoms of OCD. The counselor decides to use CBT with this client. 

What is C.7.a., C.2.a.?


Counselors consider their client's culture when administering assessment.

What is E.8.?


A counselor shares their experiences with a frustrating client on Twitter. This Twitter account is used personally and professionally by the counselor.

What is H.6.a., H.6.d.?


A counselor is seeing a client one-on-one. The counselor then believes that the client's partner needs to be included in sessions as well.

What is B.4.b.?

Counselor A refers a client to counselor B, who is a personal friend. Counselor B, as they have before, sends counselor A a gift card to a restaurant.

What is A.10.b.?


A counselor advertises an essential oil that will reduce depressive symptoms.

What is C.3.e.?


A supervisor notices their supervisee acting differently with clients. Specifically, not seeming engaged with clients.

What is F.5.b.?


A counselor views a client's facebook on a whim.

What is H.6.a.?


A client's parent asks to see session notes. The counselor politely describes the limitations to providing this information. 

What is B.5.a., B.5.b., B.5.c.?