Name that Sound
Lung and Breast
Inspection, Percussion, Assessment
Bit of a mix

Name this sound and two possible differential diagnosis with treatment

What are wheezes and asthma (albuterol) or chronic emphysema?


Name 5 subjective data health history questions for the respiratory system

What is

• Cough

• Shortness of breath

• Chest pain with breathing

• Wheezing

• Stridor

• Hiccup

• Cyanosis

• Past history of respiratory


• Smoking history

• Environmental exposure

• Self-care behaviors


Name three things when inspecting the chest

What is 

• Facial expression and breathing effort

• Observe the rate, rhythm, depth, and effort of breathing

• Observe for signs of respiratory distress – color and rate or

respirations, clubbing

• Listen for audible signs of breathing

• Inspect the neck

• Observe shape of chest


Medication that can cause dry hacking cough

What is an ace inhibitor (Lisinopril)?


Name this sound and two possible differential diagnosis with treatment

What is coarse crackles and pneumonia (antibiotics), pulmonary edema (Lasix), atelectasis (pulmonary toileting)?


Name 5 subjective data health history questions for the breast system

What is lump or mass, pain or discomfort, nipple discharge, history of breast disease, surgery/trauma, breast cancer risk, and self care (self exam/last mammo)?


Name 5 things assessing for PHYSICAL respiratory

What is

1. Estimate diameter of chest wall

2. Inspect posterior chest

3. Respiratory excursion

4. Palpate for tactile fremitus

5. Percuss for symmetry

6. Diaphragmatic excursion

7. Auscultate posterior chest

8. Repeat inspection, palpation, percussion and

auscultation on anterior chest


What is scoliosis?


Name this sound and possible differential diagnosis with treatment

What is pleural friction rub and pleuritis?


Name 4 lifestyle-related risk factors for breast cancer

What is Nulliparity or first child after 30, Long-term use combined HRT, Alcohol intake of 2-5 drinks daily, Obesity and high-fat diet, Physical inactivity, and Not breast-feeding?


Lump is found on breast exam, 5 things you want to note

What is location, size, shape, consistency, mobility, distinctness, nipple, overlaying skin, tenderness, and Lymphadenopathy?


What is Monilial Intertrigo in the Folds of the Breast?


Name this sound and two possible differential diagnosis

What is Rhonchi and bronchitis and single bronchus obstruction?


2 Voice sounds that may indicate consolidation

What is Bronchophony (When you hear the patient’s voice clearly and distinctly over peripheral lung), Egophony (When patient says “eee,” it sounds
like “aye.”), and Whispered pectoriloquy (When you hear unusually clear whispered sounds over peripheral


Possible diagnosis for hyperresonanat percussion of chest  

What is pneumothorax or COPD?


Name this condition and what abnormality it can cause

What is funnel chest (pectus excavatum) and can lead to heart murmors?


Name this sound and two possible differential diagnosis with FIRST LINE treatment

What is stridor and croup, acute epiglottis, and foreign body inhalation, and racemicepi?


Breath pattern most linked to death and description of pattern

What is Cheyne-Stokes and  an abnormal breathing pattern that involves a cycle of deeper, faster breathing that gradually decreases into a temporary pause, or apnea?


What is Paget's Disease of the nipple?


Patient presents with cough and hemoptysis, two RESPIRATORY possible diagnosis

What is Tuberculosis, Left heart failure, or Pulmonary embolism?