Watch out! We are going to crash!
Why do we use ~to be going to~ here?
prediction based on evidence
to ignore or pretend not to notice something, especially something wrong or unethical
spill the beans
She's a techer taught us about Roman Empire
She's a techer who taught us about Roman Empire
I don't think they will come.
They probably won't come
Собираюсь пойти в аптеку за рецептом
I am about to visit the pharmacy to pick up my prescription
You won't need to carry cash in the future
Why do we use ~won't to~ here?
to make general prediction about future
something that is completely new and has never been used before
brand new
My grandparents met in 1935, where the Second World War started.
My grandparents met in 1935, when the Second World War started.
The amount of data we collect will continue to increase.
(going to)
the amount of data we collect is going to increase
Я обязан принимать это лекарство каждый день, чтобы улучшить свое здоровье
I am bound to take this medication every day to improve my health
You might need to bring an umbrella.
Why do we use ~might~ here?
to make prediction that is less certain
to lose focus on the main task or goal and start doing something else
get side-tracked
We spoke to professor Howe is an expert in Irish history
We spoke to professor Howe, who is an expert in Irish history
The next person to speak at the conference is Marga Sanchez.
The next person due to speak at the conference is Marga Sanchez
Сейчас я нахожусь в декретном отпуске, который скоро закончится
I am currently on maternity leave which is due to finish soon
I'm due to finish work in November.
Why do we use ~due to~ here?
for something that is expected to happen/is planned
to not know or understand something at all
don't have a clue
We went to the Isle of Jura where George Orwell wrote 1984 on it.
We went to the Isle of Jura where George Orwell wrote 1984.
They will probably replace their computer system next year.
They are likely to replace their computre system next year
Врач сказал, что моя температура, скорее всего, вызвана незначительной инфекцией
The doctor said that my fever is likely caused to a minor infection
Don't worry! You are bound to find a job sooner or later.
Why do we use ~bound to~ here?
for a prediction that is very likely
to avoid making a decision or taking sides in a dispute or argument
sit on a fence
On the Origin of species, that was written by Charles Darvwin, was published in 1859.
On the Origin of species, which was written by Charles Darvwin, was published in 1859.
The website will go on line very soon.
The website is about to go online
В любом случае испытания препарата должны были закончиться не раньше завтрашнего дня
The drug trial wasn't due to finish till tomorrow, anyway