Music Vocab
Earth's Layers
Ages of Rocks
Quickly and lively a tempo of 120 bpm.
What is Allegro
His mistress and her children, workers, and an apprentice were killed by a worker with an axe who lit fire to the estate and tried to drink acid to commit suicide.
Who is Frank Lloyd Wright?
The outer most layer of the earths composition. It is broken into plates that move.
What is the crust?
The curve showing the relationship between unemployment rate and inflation. At first there is a negative relationship but long term there appears to be no relationship.
What is Phillip's Curve?
A technique used to tell the ages of materials based on the known rates of radioactive decay.
What is radiometric dating?
Very slowly 50 bpm
What is Grave
This artist was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1977.
Who is Georgia O'keeffe
The center of the Earth. Primarily Iron and other heavy metals.
What is the core?
The macroeconomic generalization that the production of goods creates an equal and aggregate demand for these goods.
What is Say's law?
D = D0 + N(eλt − 1) t is age of the sample, D is number of atoms of the daughter isotope in the sample, D0 is number of atoms of the daughter isotope in the original composition, N is number of atoms of the parent isotope in the sample at time t (the present), given by N = Noe-λt, and λ is the decay constant of the parent isotope, equal to the inverse of the radioactive half-life of the parent isotope[14] times the natural logarithm of 2.
What is the age equation?
A piece for soloist and group accompaniment.
What is a Sonata?
This artist painted themes important to African Americans including his painting "God's Trombones" illustrating one of the important seven sermons.
Who is Aaron Douglas?
The layer surrounding the core divided roughly into an inner and an outer portion.
What is the mantel?
The macroeconomic view that the main cause of changes in aggregate output and the price level are fluctuations in the money supply; advocates a monetary rule.
What is Moneterism?
Used for dating rocks up to 700 million years old with an error rate of about 2%
What is the Uranium-lead dating method?
A theme is presented and then repeated with many variations.
What is a Theme and Variations?
Although critics raved about his work this artist struggled for most of his career selling very few of his paintings of rural cafe scenes and city life.
Who is Edward Hopper?
The semi-solid layer on which the plates "float". It is turbulent with convection currents powered by nuclear decay.
What is the Aesthenosphere?
The amount of other products which must be forgone or sacrificed to produce a unit of a product.
What is Opportunity Cost?
Used for dating rocks older than 700 million years up to 2.5 billion years with an error rate of 20 million years.
What is the Samarium-neodymium dating method?
A repeated figure in the bassline.
What is an Ostanato?
This government agency funded public arts projects including murals and artworks that portrayed American recovery after the great depression.
What is the Works Progress Administration?
The boundary layer between the crust and the aesthenosphere.
What is the moho?
Fraction of any change in income spent for goods and services; equal to the change in consumption divided by the change in disposable income.
What is Marginal propensity to consume (MPC)?
Method used for dating the oldest rocks with an error rate of around 4%
What is the Potassium Argon dating method?