Dedicated Model
Unsuccessful Grades
Program Changes
Progression Dash

What should a voicemail include? Share an example.

Your name, role, University of Arizona Global Campus, direct reason, call back extension, and your hours.

"Hi, this is Kristi, your dedicated Academic Advisor, calling from the University of Arizona Global Campus to review your progress as you wrap up week 4 of your class. Please give me a call back at 877-241-9893 ext. 18817. I am available until 4:30pm CST today."


What should your conversation look like with a student who had an unsuccessful grade?

Discover, offer support resources if applicable, potential TCR, rescheduling


What is the status you need to see in embrace to finish up the program change?



What does the orange rectangle mean next to a student's name on progression dash?

on ALR


How many future classes do we want on a student's schedule to keep them off of the BMC list for CAST team?

4 future classes


Share a benefit of dedicated advising

Building connection with your assigned students, consistent experience for your students, you know their story


What is a best practice with scheduling a retake class?

Ideally schedule as the next class, if not, at least in the same payment period if possible. *TCR has to be within 6 months


What if your student says they didn't receive the email with program change steps?

Guide them to the website, go to apply now and get into application portal that way - don't actually need the email


How would you find your students who aren't scheduled?

click your name for advisor then go to student has course scheduled and click no


What is one Service Model step and what is one simple behavior needed to implement that part of the Service Model?

Engagement, Discovery, Engagement, Commitment


What is the SLA for returning voicemails?

Within one business day


If the student asks you about the cost of the course/ how to pay that, what should you do?

Transfer to appropriate finance team!


What do you need to do in Campusvue if you see your student has FA or PELL listed as a payment option?

Look at payment period to see classes in payment period - run hypothetical degree audit - look for courses taken not applied


If you get stuck in the progression dash/you aren't seeing what you wanted to see, what can you do? 

Click on the clear all filters button to start fresh.


HR activity for a student who is on a break: What should you do?

Call anyway! Chance to check for TA approval, remind them to send it and confirm they are prepared to return from break.


What should you tell a student on skill?

You are happy to help them today, and in that interaction tell them who their advisor is, how to reach them, and their direct ext. 


What are some things you want to check/advise on when it relates to grades and retakes?

examples: what number UG is this - 3CUG dismissal policy, attendance beyond day three and dropping is a W


What if the student says their email isn't working to get into the application portal? 

Have them reset the password

What do you need to click to do to isolate an ALR return date in the progression dash? 

Focus mode - then ALR Request Date - back to report


What is needed for a GEN 101 Attendance Appeal?

Student statement with a detailed plan of action to finish the course successfully, instructor statement if class is over stating they will approve an incomplete grade, grade check from SSA, Excused Absence Checklist Form


What can you do to build connection with your students?

Answer may vary, so some suggestions include: find common ground, share experience, remember something they say and work it into future interactions. 


What can you do with a D grade in a competency course?

schedule substitute competency course - moves D to elective pool. 


What should you do if you see the program change status in Embrace as 'signed and submitted,' but its been more than 15 minutes?

Check action items, check for multiple applications, check opportunities, and if you are unable to figure it out, reach out to Kristi. *NO IT TICKET :)


How can you see detailed information about a student's class performance using the progression dash?

When you have student up, click on course in course detail and then you should see details of class in assignment detail.


If a student is in a Cancel status and wants to restart GEN 101 on a future start date, who do we connect them with for support? 

The Reengagement Team at ext. 76267!