Fine Arts

This character uses the alias "De Ville" to buy up London homes in which he plans to put 50 boxes of dirt. Quincey Morris kills this character by shoving a Bowie knife through his heart, causing him to turn to dust. An 1897 novel by Bram Stoker is titled after what vampire?



During this monarch's reign, the East India Company was dissolved, allowing this monarch to directly rule India. This final British ruler of the House of Hanover became reclusive after the death of her husband, Prince Albert. What queen ruled the U.K. from 1837 to 1901?

Queen Victoria


For an observer in motion, this quantity undergoes a namesake "dilation," while Lorentz contraction affects lengths. In the theory of relativity, this quantity is measured along a fourth dimension that is combined with space. Name this quantity measured in seconds.



A bed of reeds repeated a secret about this man after growing from a hole dug by his barber. This follower of Pan was cursed by Apollo to have the ears of a donkey. Dionysus honored the foolish request of what mythological king by giving him a "golden touch"?



This instrument was the primary one played by jazz bandleader Glen Miller. Players of this instrument may use their left thumb to operate an 'F' attachment, and commonly use a set of seven "positions" to play it. What brass instrument changes pitch by moving a lengthy slide?



This character is called governor of a place whose names means "Isle Come-Cheaply." He contacts a barber and priest while delivering a letter to Dulcinea. This man rides a donkey and helps his master fight giants that are actually windmills. Name this squire of Don Quixote.

Sancho Panza


If it had passed, the Corwin Amendment would have become this numbered constitutional amendment. Instead, the amendment of this number nullified the three-fifths compromise when it was ratified in 1865. Name this constitutional amendment that outlawed slavery.

Thirteenth Amendment


The "rill" form of this process is named for a type of channel which is created by this process. Unlike the similar weathering, this process involves movement and can be followed by deposition. Name this process in which agents like wind and water remove material like soil.



This man and his followers are told how to pass through the Clashing Rocks by Phineas, whom he saved from the harpies. While at Colchis, this man steals an object with the help of his lover, Medea. What Greek hero went on a quest for the Golden Fleece with his Argonauts?



This word is the nickname of Mozart's Symphony No. 41, his last symphony. This word is also the name of a movement subtitled "The Bringer of Jollity" that appears in a suite by Gustav Holst. The fourth movement of The Planets shares what name with the Roman analogue of Zeus?



In this novel, the grave robber Jerry Cruncher helps recover Dr. Manette from prison. This novel ends with the execution of Sydney Carton, who takes Charles Darnay's place during the French Revolution. London and Paris are the title locations in what Charles Dickens novel?

A Tale of Two Cities

A victorious commodore during this war declared, "We have met the enemy, and they are ours." During this war, British forces captured a national capital after winning the Battle of Bladensburg. Washington D.C. was burned during what war named for the year it began?

War of 1812


In fruit flies, most cells have eight of these structures. Most bacterial cells have exactly one of these structures, which is circular, while those in eukaryotes are described as "linear." Name these DNA-containing structures, of which human cells have 23 pairs.



God warns this man that "sin is crouching at your door" and promises that anyone who kills him will suffer "sevenfold vengeance." This man went to live in the land of Nod after God put a protective mark on him. Name this first son of Adam and Eve who killed his brother Abel.



A piano quintet by this composer contained a set of variations based on his song "Die Forelle" leading to its nickname of the "Trout Quintet." A B minor symphony by this composer has only two completely-orchestrated movements. Name this composer of the "Unfinished" Symphony.

Franz Schubert

In one of this author's novels, Pierre Gringoire sees Captain Phoebus save a woman from kidnapping. This author wrote a novel in which Inspector Javert pursues the ex-convice Jean Valjean. Name this author of The Hunchback of Notre Dame and Le Miserables.

Victor Hugo


During this event, Governor John Connally was wounded while passing through Dealey Plaza. This event's perpetrator was apparently standing in the Texas School Book Depository. The Warren Commission concluded that Lee Harvey Oswald carried out what 1963 murder in Dallas?

Assassination of John F. Kennedy


Verdigris is a green patina formed when this element is oxidized. This element remains the preferred material for household wiring, has antimicrobial properties, and conducts heat well, making it useful in cookware. Name this tradition metal with atomic symbol Cu.



Shortly before encountering this monster, a man kills the ruler Laius. This being, which guards the entrance to Thebes, apparently kills itself after being given the response of "man" by Oedipus. Name this Greek monster that kills those who cannot answer its riddle.



In this opera, Alcindoro is tricked into paying a dinner bill by Musetta and four artists dodge paying their landlord. In its aria "Sono andanti," Rodolfo reunites with Mimi before she dies from consumption. Name this Giacomo Puccini opera on which the musical Rent was based.

La boheme


This author wrote about plantation owner Thomas Sutpen in his novel Absalom, Absalom!. In another of this author's novels, Quentin Compson drowns himself. This author set most of his novels in Yoknapatawpha County, Mississippi. Name this author of The Sound and the Fury.

William Faulkner


This empire's fleet was defeated by the Holy League at the Battle of Lepanto in 1571. It conquered both Bosnia and Serbia under the leadership of Mehmed the Conqueror. Name this Muslim empire that in 1453 successfully conquered Constantinople, ending the Byzantine Empire.

Ottoman Empire


This cell cleaves to form blastomeres. Its name derives from the Greek word for "to join." This cell is created from the fusion of sperm and egg cells in the process of fertilization. Embryos eventually form from what cell, the first stage in an organism's development?



This poem was written in a language that was brought to Great Britain around the 5th century by Anglo-Saxon migrants, Old English. Its titular hero kills both a monster and his mother in this epic poem. Name this hero who is killed by a dragon decades after his triumph over Grendel.



A painting by this artist, The Discovery, shows a child's horrified reaction on learning Santa is not real. This man's painting Freedom from Want shows a family at a dinner table where a turkey is being served. What painter created many covers for the Saturday Evening Post?

Norman Rockwell