Which one`s Right
Fill in the blank
Word Matching
Spot the Error

Which is more Correct:
A. The team will get knowledge through the presentation.
B. The team will acquire knowledge through the presentation.

B. The team will acquire knowledge through the presentation.


I`m studying economics so one day I can prevent an economic ________.

(tragedy, crisis, devastation, misfortune)

I`m studying economics so one day I can prevent an economic crisis.


Match the following Collocations:

Conduct, Provide, Reach

  • a decision
  • research
  • feedback

Conduct research

Provide feedback

Reach a decision


If we want to be respected in our field of study, we need to perform authority responsibly.

If we want to be respected in our field of study, we need to exercise authority responsibly.


True or False:
You can use the verb 'undertake' with 'research' to signify you are performing research.



Which is more Correct?

A. The researchers assembled an experiment to test the hypothesis.
B. The researchers conducted an experiment to test the hypothesis.

B. The researchers conducted an experiment to test the hypothesis.


This lab is researching a compound that can prevent _______ death in infants.

(early, unseasonable, premature)

This lab is researching a compund that can prevent premature death in infants.


Match the following Collocations:

Technological, Carry out, Intellectual

- Property

- Data Analysis

- Innovation

Technological Innovation

Carry out Data Analysis

Intellectual Property


This problem is very challenging. We`re going to need to take a logical method.

This problem is very challenging. We`re going to need to take a logical approach.


What verb best completes the sentence: “The researchers should _______  help from other professionals”
A) find
B) seek
C) pursue
D) request

B) The researchers should seek help from other professionals


Which is more Correct?

A. The students are required to build a decision after analyzing the data.
B. The students are required to reach a decision after analyzing the data.

B. The students are required to reach a decision after analyzing the data.


The professionals decided to use a holistic _______ when developing their project strategy.

(approach, method, technique, mechanism)

The professionalss decided to use a holistic approach when developing their project strategy.


Match the following Collocations:
Draw, Take, Pose

  • into consideration
  • a question
  • a conclusion

Draw a conclusion

Take into consideration

Pose a question


This article has a lot of cultural importance, especially pertaining to the local community.

This article has a lot of cultural significance, especially pertaining to the local community.


"What does the collocation 'pose a question' mean?"

To ask or raise a question, typically in a formal academic context.


Which is more Correct?

A. He presented anecdotal evidence in the study.
B. He presented anecdotal references in the study.

A. He presented anecdotal evidence in the study.


This study may have ethical limtiations. It`s important that all participants provide ______ consent before we proceed.

(informed, knowledgeable, educated)

This study may have ethical limtiations. It`s important that all participants provide informed consent before we proceed.


Match the following Collocations:

Establish, Present, Offer

  • an argument
  • a suggestion
  • a relationship

Establish a relationship

Present an argument

Offer a suggestion


We need to consider all sides of the argument. Its important to account for opinions across the political range.

We need to consider all sides of the argument. Its important to account for opinions across the political spectrum.


What is a synonym for the collocation 'carry out or perform an experiment'?

Hint: it starts with a C

Conduct an experiment


Which is more Correct?

A. We must draw a conclusion based on the results from the report.
B. We must create a conclusion based on the results from the report.

A. We must draw a conclusion based on the results from the report.


I can`t believe you`ve been studying for 25 years. You are the most __________ educated person I know.

(extremely, greatly, highly, exceptionally)

I can`t believe you`ve been studying for 25 years. You are the most highly educated person I know.


Match the following Colocations

Undertake, Publish, Formulate

  • a hypothesis
  • a study
  • findings

Formulate a hypothesis

Undertake a study

Publish findings


This chemical is very potent. In your labs, be sure to use it frugally.

This chemical is very potent. In your labs, be sure to use it sparingly.

Which of the following is NOT a Collocation?

A) People fall across the political spectrum

B) There is a stark contrast between these opinions
C) We should transmit papers to each other

C) Transmit papers