School policy

The importance of Academic integrity is to:

a. Compare you with other students.

b. Build trust in your work.

c. To earn better grades. 

b. Build trust in you work. 


What is the basic definition of academic honesty?

A. Avoiding all group work

B. Being completely honest with your work and ensuring no cheating or plagiarism is involved

C. Writing without citing any sources

B. Being completely honest with your work and ensuring no cheating or plagiarism is involved


 What is one of the primary goals of an academic integrity policy?

A. To make exams more difficult

B. To promote fairness by giving all students equal opportunities

C. To increase the workload for teachers

B. To promote fairness by giving all students equal opportunities


Why do we practice Academic Integrity?

a. To improve your understanding of the concepts.

b. To take better notes. 

c. For honest collaboration. 

c. For honest collaboration.


What happens if you don't follow the implications?

a. You repeat the whole EE.

b. You repeat the whole 2 years. 

c. You get a penalty. 

b. You repeat the whole 2 years. 


Academic integrity allows students to do which of the following?
A. Create new ideas while respecting others’ work
B. Use others' work without giving credit
C. Copy work freely for educational purposes

A. Create new ideas while respecting others’ work


According to the slides, what is the relationship between honesty and integrity?

A. Integrity is adhering to a strong moral code, and honesty means being truthful and transparent

B. Honesty is about doing the right thing only when being watched

C. Honesty and integrity are the same, with no distinctions

A. Integrity is adhering to a strong moral code, and honesty means being truthful and transparent


Which of the following is a teacher's responsibility under the academic integrity policy?

A. Develop a plan to prevent student collusion during assessments

B. Ensure all students submit their work anonymously

C. Allow students to collaborate on final assessments without monitoring

A. Develop a plan to prevent student collusion during assessments


Which way is the best way to appreciate other people's work?

a. Write a bibliography and intext citations. 

b. Write bibliography. 

c. Write a reference list. 

a. Write a bibliography and intext citation. 


What may happen if a student fails to acknowledge a source in their work?
A. They may be given extra assignments
B. They may face investigation by the IB
C. They will receive a warning only

B. They may face investigation by the IB


Which of the following skills does academic integrity help develop in students?
A. Leadership skills
B. Financial management skills
C. Ethical skills

C. Ethical skills


In the context of group work, what is an example of academic honesty?

A. Ensuring each member’s contributions are appropriately recognized

B. Working individually on the group project to avoid conflicts

C. Completing the project without discussing ideas with the group

A. Ensuring each member’s contributions are appropriately recognized


What is the role of parents or guardians in supporting academic integrity?

A. Help their children complete their assignments

B. Understand and support their children's knowledge of IB policies and guidelines

C. Create assignments for their children

B. Understand and support their children's knowledge of IB policies and guidelines


Which of the following is required in a citation?
A. Date of publication and page numbers
B. Date of publication only
C. Quotations of the original work.

A. Date of publication and page numbers


What is one repercussion of plagiarism according to the IB guide?
A. Loss of personal freedom
B. Cancellation of their work’s authenticity
C. Investigation and potential penalties

 C. Investigation and potential penalties


According to the Extended Essay Guide, what does academic integrity serve as?
A. A guideline for writing style
B. A foundation for ethical decision-making
C. A source of new ideas

B. A foundation for ethical decision-making


 In a research paper, what distinguishes academic honesty from academic integrity?

A. Academic honesty applies only to research papers, and integrity is for exams

B. Honesty is only required for direct quotes, while integrity applies to all forms of work

C. Honesty involves proper citing of sources, while integrity involves synthesizing ideas from multiple sources to present original ideas

C. Honesty involves proper citing of sources, while integrity involves synthesizing ideas from multiple sources to present original ideas


 Which of the following is NOT an implication of academic dishonesty according to the school's integrity policy?

A. Undermining the pursuit of a peaceful and knowledgeable student body

B. Invalidating academic qualifications and undermining fairness

C. Leading to the suspension of the student from the IB program

C. Leading to the suspension of the student from the IB program


What is the IB’s stance on citing summarized and paraphrased content?
A. It is optional
B. It must be cited and referenced
C. Quoted text needs intext citation

B. It must be cited and referenced


What might the IB final award committee do if plagiarism is detected?
A. Award the student with partial credit
B. Impose penalties, possibly affecting their final results
C. Allow a rewrite of the essay

 B. Impose penalties, possibly affecting their final results


How does academic integrity prepare students for the real world?
A. By instilling ethical behavior
B. By helping them get better grades
C. By allowing them to complete work faster

A. By instilling ethical behavior


What is the deeper meaning of integrity in the context of taking an exam?

A. Not bringing notes into the exam room

B. Properly preparing for the exam with the mindset of learning and growth

C. Not talking to classmates during the exam

B. Properly preparing for the exam with the mindset of learning and growth


According to the school’s integrity policy, what should a student do if they are unsure about an assignment's expectations?

A. Submit the assignment regardless of uncertainty

B. Ask for clarification and seek assistance from their teacher

C. Copy from a peer who has completed the assignment

B. Ask for clarification and seek assistance from their teacher


What is one way to clearly distinguish your own words from those of others?
A. Use quotation marks
B. Use bold and italic text with different color
C. Write the source at the end without in-text citation

A. Use quotation marks


What is the potential consequence of failing to acknowledge a source in your work, according to the IB guidelines?

A. A warning letter from the IB

B. A penalty imposed by the IB final award committee, which may require repeating two years

C. A lower grade on the final assessment without further investigation

B. A penalty imposed by the IB final award committee, which may require repeating two years