Valid Sources

What are the common tools to help detect plagiarism?

Turnitin, Grammarly Business, and Scribbr


Cite valid sources to use for research papers and assignments.

Peer-reviewed journals, books and professional articles which are all available in the LRC.


How do you deal with a close friend who refuses to participate in a group activity?

I will consult with my teacher


What happens when students commit Plagiarism?

Ultimately the learning loss is the main consequence of doing such an act

What is the format used in citing sources for research assignments?

APA or MLA format.


Name two from the 6C's that is related to Academic Integrity?

Character and Competence


Does it matter how much is copied?

It does not matter. Failure to cite and paraphrase is still plagiarism


Can I use ChatGPT or other AI platforms in doing my homework or research?

You may, but this is limited to gaining an idea only and not as a reliable source for doing research.


Why is it important to uphold Academic Integrity as early as now? How can this affect your future?

Being dishonest in your work as a student could possibly manifest again in your future careers. It is important to practice Academic Integrity as early as now in order to avoid possible consequences in the future.