
Aria Stark: copied her own reading notes under her quiz paper, and traced the results onto her quiz.

What is B: Lower Tier Academic Integrity Violation

Aria was turned in by two other girls, who resented her obvious cheating.


Cersei Lannister: caught by her teacher with phone in lap during an exam, with formulas on it.

What is A: Top Tier Academic Integrity Violation. 

Cersei argued passionately that she forgot the phone was there, to no avail.


Danaerys Targaryen: submitted a paper with 27 citation errors out of 31 citations incorrect when teacher checked sources.

What is A: Top Tier Academic Integrity Violation. 

Danaerys clearly made up the citations, rather than look them up.


Sansa Stark: her tutor rewrote a previously failing test essay under the essay rewrite policy

What is A: Top Tier Academic Integrity Violation. 

Tutor left her notes to Sansa on the paper, clearly intending for Sansa to erase them before submitting it. Sansa did not.


Jaime Lannister: Jaime was given his twin Cersei’s notes before a reading quiz; he was apprehended by teacher before starting the quiz.

What is C: Academic Incompetence 

Though Jaime clearly intended to cheat, he was caught before he was able to do so. 


Ser Brienne of Tarth: submitted a term paper rough draft with no citations for 7 major sections, which TurnItIn revealed were quoted directly from source material, without citation.

What is A: Top Tier Academic Integrity Violation. 

Although Brienne had taken notes properly in Noodletools, she forgot to cite properly on the rough draft.


Samwell Tarley: research paper outline lacked any evidence, organization, or footnotes.

What is D: No Penalty. 

Samwell had gone to another school before EA, and had been taught an outlining process which was not useful, or appropriate for high school. 


Joffrey Baratheon: turned in a research paper in an Elective course which did not provide proper citations, then claimed that his teacher didn’t tell him how to cite.

What is A: Top Tier Academic Integrity Violation. 

Joffrey had been given explicit instructions about citations in the sophomore research paper handout.


Tyrion Lannister:  submitted a US History term paper using phrases like “a rising tide floats all boats,” and “in his dotage,” which he was unable to explain when confronted by the teacher and Department Chair.

What is A: Top Tier Academic Integrity Violation. 

Tyrion's Dad Tywin rewrote the rough draft for him, and Tyrion tried to pass the work on the final draft off as his own. 


Lianna Mormont: submitted a paper with no citations, but clearly did not understand that she needed to cite, despite being told so frequently by her teacher.

What is B: Lower Tier Academic Integrity Violation. 

Although Lianna clearly did not intend to plagiarize, she was responsible for the citation information taught by her teacher. 


Ellaria Sand: Ellaria didn’t understand her term paper project topic, so took notes from Wikipedia, which she then copied into her Noodletools, but without citing because the librarian told her, “never cite from Wikipedia.”

What is A: Top Tier Academic Integrity Violation. 

Though Ellaria clearly did not intend to plagiarize, she submitted illegal material, completely without citation, on a major assignment. Her teacher had gone over anti-plagiarism methods many times.


Jon Snow: His tutor suggested rewording of Jon’s US History term paper rough draft, but because Jon was an ESL student, he did not understand what was being done was wrong.

What is D: No Penalty. 

The wording was suggested by the tutor, but the ideas were clearly Jon’s. Since he did not understand, or intend to plagiarize, he had to rewrite the offending passages.  


Gilly: her Mom urged her to overcome her anxiety by having her grandpa tell her what to write on most of her paper, from his hospital sickbed.

What is B: Lower Tier Academic Integrity Violation. 

Since Gilly’s Mom had initiated the (ill-advised) unauthorized help, Gilly was given the benefit of the doubt on intent. 


Margaery Tyrell: turned in her own, freshman research paper a second time as a sophomore, without permission, but denied doing so.

What is A: Top Tier Academic Integrity Violation. 

Margaery’s Freshman teacher-- for whom she had also plagiarized-- recognized the same paper she had submitted to him in PreModern History.


Ser Jorah Mormont: changed his  term paper topic between the notecards and rough draft, but kept citations from his original sources, some of which no longer used in the paper itself.

What is C: Academic Incompetence 

Jorah’s Noodletools notecards were all cited correctly, and he had simply copied the citations from within the original primary source, rather than citing the secondary source recorded in Noodletools.