Caldecott Books
About Kentucky
Aesop Fables
Famous Historical Characters

This wordless picture book's heroine is a white dog with a brown tail and ears. When a bigger dog accidentally destroys her favorite toy, the dog's owner buys a her a replacement. Give the title of this second Caldecott- winning book illustrated by Chris Raschka (ROSH-KUH).

Ball for Daisy


He led Kentucky's militia during the Battle of the Thames, an engagement of the War of 1812, which occurred while he served as Kentucky's fifth governor. Name this political leader who also served as Kentucky's first governor. 

Issac Shelby


Helen baked 24 cookies. She cut 18 of the cookies into heart shapes and 6 into circles. What is the ratio of heart-shaped cookies to the total number of cookies.


(three to four)


In this fable, a fox agrees to judge a contest between the title characters. One of the competitors naps while the other crawls slowly and steadily toward the finish line. Give the title of this Aesop fable illustrating, "the race does not always go to the swift."

The Tortoise and the Hare


Actions taken in April 1775 by this silversmith were immortalized in a famous poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Name the American Founding Father remembered for his "midnight ride", in which he alerted Boston residents and militia members that the Bristol were coming. 

Paul Revere

(You may want to read the poem the Midnight Ride of Paul Revere by Longfellow)


The end of this book hints at the following week, when pigs fly above a farm building. Around eight o'clock, frogs soar above the town on their lily pads, spying on people and dodging a dog who tries to eat them. Give the title of this first of three Caldecott-winning books by David Wiesner.



This book's title character always takes the number 5 bus to the city zoo, where her works. However, on the day when a cold keeps him a bed, his animal friends visit him with games and books. Identify this Caldecott Medal winner by Phillip C. Stead.

A Sick Day for Amos McGee


A football field is 100 yards long. How many feet long is the field?

300 feet

(There are 3 feet in a yard. So 3 X 100)


This fable illustrates the importance of time management, and of prioritizing work over play. A character who spends the summer singing and playing music begs for food during the winter, but his industrious neighbor ignores his pleas. What is this Aesop fable, whose title names two types of insects?

The Ants and the Grasshopper


This man addressed the US on the same day the space shuttle Challenger exploded. A year later, her delivered a historic speech in front of Berlin's Brandenburg Gate. Who was this president, who urged Mikhail Gorbachev to "tear down this wall"?

Ronald Regan


This Caldecott-winning book tells of Dr. Harry Coleburn, who leaves Canada for a WWI post in Europe. He rescues a bear cub, but gives her to the London Zoo, where A.A. Milne's son Christopher Robin befriends her. Give the title of this True Story of the World's Most famous Bear, written by Lindsey Mattick.

Finding Winnie


Butler, Union, and Davis Counties are found in this geographical region. Most of the surface mines in this area are located in Hopkins, Muhlenberg and Ohio counties. What is this area of Kentucky known for its coal production?

Western Coal Fields


A triangle has three sides and three angles. One of the angles is larger than 90 degrees. Based on the size of the angles, what type of triangle is being described?

obtuse triangle


In one Aesop fable, this creature rides a sheep's back, while it receives a fatal snakebite in another. A different fable sees it imitate a raven in hopes of gaining attention from travelers. What type of bird drops pebbles into a pitcher of water in the Aesop fable whose moral is "necessity is the mother of invention?"



This man earned a seat in Virginia's House of Burgesses after declaring that King George the third had forfeited "all right to his subjects' obedience." At the Virginia Convention, he urged the colony to arm a militia in preparation for the Revolutionary War. Name this colonist, whose best-known speech proclaims, "Gives me liberty, or give me death!"

Patrick Henry


This Caldecott winning book is a part of an unofficial trilogy that also stars bears and turtles. In this book, a small fish steals a bowler from much larger fish, assuming his theft will go unnoticed. What is this companion to Jon Klassen's I want my Hat Back and We Found a Hat?

This is Not My Hat


This historical figure was born in KY, moved to Mississippi as a small child, and later attended school in KY before entering West Point. Following the Civil War he was indicted for treason, but never tried, although he did spend two years in prison. Name this man who served as the Confederacy's only president. 

Jefferson Davis


What property of real numbers is illustrated by the following equation? 

6 + 8 = 8 + 6

Commutative Property of Addition

(Say it correctly - Com-mut-ta-tive)


Different versions of this fable end with a predator eating members of a flock, or with those animals scattering among the hills. A shepard amuses himself by lying to villagers, who refuse to believe him when he actually needs their help. Give the title of this Aesop fable. 

The Boy Who Cried Wolf. 


In one speech, this leader quoted the Gospel of Mark by saying, "A house divided against itself cannot stand." His most famous oration begins, "Four score and seven years ago," and promises that "government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth." Which president dedicated a Civil War battlefield with his "Gettysburg Address"?

Abraham Lincoln


This book tells ho "every night," this title character "stood under the stars hoping for his turn to be picked by a child and given a special name." Instead, he leaves his home in search of a human child to love, and finds her at the book's conclusion. Give the title of this Caldecott winner about an "Unimaginary friend,"written and illustrated by Dan Santat.

Adventures of Beetle


this man was one of the chiefs architects of the New Deal in the 1930's He served as at the majority leaders of the US Senate for a decade, and was born in Graves County, KY. What Democrat was elected vice president on the Truman ticker in 1948, and lends his name to a large lake in western Kentucky?



There are 10 pencils in a box. You take out 3 pencils. What percent the pencils did you remove from the box?



This fable contrasts a plain meal of acorns, roots, and wheat stalks with a feast of cheese, jellies, and pastries. However, the title characters are unable to enjoy the feast because a dog, a cat, and servants are all nearby. Give the name of this Aesop fable about related rodents. 

The Tow Mouse and the Country Mouse


This American patriot was a journalist and scientist. He became wealthy after starting a printing business in Philadelphia. What steersman published Poor Richard's Almanack?

Benjamin Franklin