Other SSC platforms
Important Offices
Campus Resources

A small group that meets once a week to get help on potentially difficult courses

Peer-Led Team Learning (PLTL)


List what the writing center does and how can a student use it to it's benefit?

- make an appointment online

- share your doc with your tutor ahead of time

- then they will be able to help you edit your papers and get that A!

*You can also just work there after regular office hours with lofi music playing in the background. 


"I thought i knew what to expect in college, but boy was i wrong! Stressful Situations are left and right, and i really just need someone to talk to." Who should this student go to?

student counseling center


This office is where students should go if they have questions about their scholarship.

Academic Excellence Scholarship (AES) Office


This campus resource which offers services to support student mental health and wellbeing

student counseling center


What are the requirements for joining a PLTL section? What are the max students that can join a PLTL section?

- You have to be taking the course that is being taught in that PLTL class

- Signing up is on a first come first serve basis

- 8 students can join max


Where is the SSC office located?

first floor of McDermott Library.


"I have never been good at math, and i am one more bad grade away from failing my statistics class! Where do i go for help???"

Student Success Center


This office is where you would go to seek help about anything pre-health related.

Health Professions Advising Center (HPAC)


This campus resource offers resources, consulting, and education to support student health and wellbeing in areas such as nutrition, public health, and substance use.

student wellness center


What are the primary subjects covered by PLTL sessions at UTD?

Subjects include Chemistry, Biology, Physics, and Mathematics.


You can practice your speech presentation here and receive constructive criticism



"I've always wanted to study abroad, and i've found my dream program online. However, i don't know if it's worthwhile considering that i'm unsure if i can actually get credit for it since it's not actually through UTD."

office of international education


This building houses the Advising Office for NS&M students.

Classroom Building II/Founder's Annex


This campus resource connects students with opportunities to serve their community.

office of student volunteerism


How are peer leaders selected for the PLTL program at UTD?

    • Peer leaders are selected based on their strong academic performance in the subject, faculty recommendations, and their ability to facilitate group discussions

What are the all subjects offered by SI?

- accounting

- biology

- chemistry

-computer science

- physics 

- economics


- math

- certain engineering courses


"I got in fender Bender in the parking lot, but i'm unsure about how to go about swapping information and filing a report. What service can help with this?"

UTD Campus Police


This office is there to help students register for classes and make sure students are on the path to graduate on time.

Academic Advising Office


Students can pick up their Comet Card, purchase discount tickets to venues and events, receive free notarization services, buy postage stamps and more.

What is the Comet Center?


In what year was the PLTL program first introduced at UTD?

In the year 2000. 

You can use this website to make appointments with the SSC.

  ACCESSC website


"I'm really interested in gender studies, but i didn't have time in my schedule to take a course on it. However, I'd still really like to learn about it."

Galerstein Gender's center


This room, located across from HPAC, serves as a study room for pre-health students.

Pre-Health Resources Room


This campus resource offers education to students on a variety of financial topics such as budgeting, credit management, student loans, and more!

 Comet Cents