16 divided by 2
What is 8
23 divided by 4
What is 5R3
Estimate: 470/7
What is about 70 (490/7)
What subject do we cover most in here?
What is Math
Mr. Snyder had 3542 pieces of candy corn to share with 15 teachers. How many pieces would each class receive? How many left over?
What is 236 pieces of candy corn with 2 left over
333 divided by 11
What is 33
37 divided by 7
What is 5R2
Who are the original three math teachers for 6th grade?
Mrs. Litten, Ms. Simane, Mr. Lysiak
Jimmy rode his bike 342 miles in 6 days. How many miles did he ride per day?
What is 57 miles per day
Coach Phillips separated 112 fourth graders into 4 equal groups. How many 4th graders are in each group?
What is 28
154 divided by 7
What is 22
What was yesterday and what did we do?
What is #MotivationMonday and we made "I AM" statements
Miles, RJ, and Giovanni created 3582 memes in a span of 6 days. How many memes did they create per day?
What is 642 memes
(3 x 5) - 10 + 12 - (6/2)
What is 14
What is 315R2
Estimate: 14,964/3
What is about 5,000 (15,000/3)
When is the last day of this class?
What is November 7th
Pablo rode his motorcycle a lot this weekend. On Friday, he rode 189 miles. The next day, he rode 205 miles. On Sunday, he drove 254 miles. How many miles did he ride per day?
What is 216 miles per day
Marcus had 700 marbles. He gave away 175 marbles and put the remaining marbles equally into 5 bags. How many marbles were there in each bag?
What is 105 marbles in each box
What is 6R5
A new science website has $584 to buy online ads. If each ad costs $6, about how many ads can the website purchase?
What is about 100 ads ($600/6)
What did we do on #TrustworthynessTuesday?
What is that day has never happened
Gerald started with 350 baseball cards. He bought 44 on Friday, and another 55 on Saturday. He now wants to separate them into 3 boxes. How many cards would go into each box?
What is 183 baseball cards per box