3 Modes of Character Integration
General Knowledge
Critical Thinking
Thinking, Feeling, and Wanting
What are the 3 basic functions of the mind?
The Uncritical Person The Self-Serving Critical Person The Fairminded Critical Person
What are the 3 types of character integration?
an intellectual act by which one concludes that something is true in light of something new of new information
What are Inferences?
a cultivivated disposition of mind that enables the thinker to treat all perspectives relavant to an issue in an objective manner without privileging one;s own views or the views of ones group?
What is Fairmindedness
What always runs but never walks, often murmurs, never talks, has a bed but never sleeps, has a mouth but never eats?
What is a river
Clarity Precision Accuracy Significance Relevance Completeness Logic Fairness Breadth Depth
What are the 10 Standards of Thinking?
Less Sophisticated People
Who do self-serving people manipulate?
Exemplary Students (A) High-Performing Students (B) Mixed Quality Students (C) Low Performing Students (D & F)
What are the 5 levels of quality in thinking and learning?
What is a critical person
What is one who has mastered a range of intellectual skills and abilities and embodies intellectual skills and abilities and embodies intellectual traits or virtues?
There was a green house. Inside the green house there was a white house. Inside the white house there was a red house. Inside the red house there were lots of babies. What is it?
What is a watermelon
Purposes Questions Point of View Information Inferences Concepts Implications Assumptions
What are the 8 Elements of Thought?
The develpoment of intellectual abilities
What is the uncritical person unconcerned with?
Unquestioned previously learned knowledge we believe to be true that is used to interpret the world around us.
What are assumptions?
What is an object, aim, goal, end in view; something one is oping to accomplish?
3.I am the beginning of the end, and the end of time and space. I am essential to creation, and I surround every place. What am I?
What is The letter e. End, timE, spacE, Every placE
Autonomy Empathy Courage Confidence in Reason Fairmindedness Perserverence Sense of Justice Humility Integrity
What are the traits of the disciplined mind?
They are: Ethical Empathetic Just
What characistics do fairminded critical people have?
What is Logic of Decision Making?
What involves Rocognizing thte Need for an important decision, accuratley recognizing the alternatives, putting more time into decision making, being systematic, dealing with one major decision at a time, and developing knowledge of your ingornance?
Sophistocated Critical thinker
Who is one skilled thinker who uses the tools of critical thinking to manipulate others, usually to serve their selfish or group interests?
The man who invented it doesn't want it. The man who bought it doesn't need it. The man who needs it doesn't know it. What is it?
What is a coffin
Hypocrisy Conformity Self-Centeredness Cowardice Distrust of Reason Disregard of Justice Laziness Unfairness Arrogance
What are the traits of the Undisciplined Mind?
person that develops intellectual abilities to serve one's selfish interests without regard to the rights and needs of others
What is an The Self-Serving Critical Person
-Memorizing factoids/ Inert information -Mislearning or partially learning/ activated ignorance -actively using information that is true to lead to more knowledge/ activated knowledge
What are the 3 ways the mind assesses information?
What is perceived to be useful to oneself without regard for the rights and needs of others?
Name any word that becomes shorter even if you add 2 more letters to it?
What is short