Social Studies
In 1992, what was the #1 cause of death for men aged 25-44?

A. Gene therapy

B. Obesity

C. Cancer




The above represents what?

A. Fundamental Theorem of Calculus

B. The Euclidean Algorithm

C. Definite Integral

D. Indefinite Integral

D. Indefinite Integral


With her public recitation of this poem at the inauguration of President Bill Clinton, Maya Angelou became the first African American and woman to read a poem at a presidential inauguration.

A. Fight the Power

B. On the Pulse of Morning

C. God Help the Child

D. The Hill We Climb

B. On the Pulse of Morning


This architect was known for his bold, geometric designs and faith to modernism, as seen in the Louvre Pyramid in Paris. He passed away in 2019 at the age of 102.

A. I.M. Pei

B. Michael Graves

C. Bill Viola

D. Frank Lloyd Wright

A. I.M. Pei


Who won the 1976 Presidential Election, beating the incumbent for the first time since 1932?

A. Richard Nixon

B. Ronald Reagan

C. Jimmy Carter

D. Gerald Ford

C. Jimmy Carter


The Humane Genome Project the human nucleotide sequence is nearly identical (99.9%) between any two individuals. This allowed for new research after the HGP ended. Who won the Nobel Prize in 2006 for their discovery of RNA interference – gene silencing by double-stranded RNA.

A. Muhammad Yunus and Grameen Bank

B. United Nations and Kofi Annan

C. John Hume and David Trimble

D. Andrew Mello and Craig Fire

D. Andrew Mello and Craig Fire

Which of the following is true of a non-linear equation?

A. The form is ax2+by2=c

B. Forms a straight line on a graph

C. An example would be 3x+2=5

D. There is only one variable

A. The form is ax2+by2=c


Which of the following poems in part describes a woman who "has decided to live another day"?

A. "Insomnia and the Seven Steps to Grace"

B. "On the Pulse of Morning"

C. "Morning in the Burned House"

D. "The Wild Iris"

A. "Insomnia and the Seven Steps to Grace"


Which of these composers is known for his Numbers Pieces?

A. Steve Reich

B. John Cage

C. Brian Eno

D. Philip Glass

B. John Cage


Which Supreme Court hopeful wrote the scathing critique of American liberalism entitled Slouching Towards Gomorrah after the Senate refused to confirm his Supreme Court appointment in 1987?

A. Robert Bork

B. Bill McCartney

C. Lewis Strauss

D. Jerry Falwell

A. Robert Bork


The major approaches used in the HGP in identifying genes were...


B. Expressed Sequence Tags

C. Sequence Annotation

D. Both B and C

B. Expressed Sequence Tags


Which of the following is true of a linear equation?

A. Forms a curve on a graph

B. An example is x2+2ab+b2=0

C. m = slope

D. The maximum degree is more than 2

C. m = slope


In The House on Mango Street vignette entitled "Chanclas," Esperanza attends a baptismal party with her family. During the party, she is encouraged to dance, but feels uncomfortable and self-conscious. What is making her feel this way?

A. Her family is drinking heavily

B. Her acne

C. Her shoes 

D. Her dress

C. Her shoes


This song from Danny Elfman's score for Batman reworks which famous American parlor song?

A. Rhapsody in Blue

B. Beautiful Dreamer

C. The Entertainer

D. Danny Boy

B. Beautiful Dreamer


What was one of the official charges against Bill Clinton during his impeachment in 1998?

A. Sexual Misconduct

B. Embezzlement

C. Lying Under Oath

D. Fraud

C. Lying Under Oath


These particles are slow and heavy compared to other kinds of radiation. 

A. Alpha

B. Beta

C. Gamma

D. Delta

A. Alpha


Which of these is NOT a characteristic of two similar triangles.

A. Similar shape

B. Same size

C. Equal angles

D. Proportional sides

B. Similar size


The poem "To Be of Use" by Marge Piercy celebrates hard workers who are dedicated to the important things they do. Which of the following is not one of the metaphors she uses to characterize hard workers?

A. Seals

B. Swimmers

C. Oxen

D. Horses

D. Horses


After the members of the rap music group 2 Live Crew composed a song called "Pretty Woman," they were sued by Acuff-Rose Music, Inc. This court case in 1994 established what law?

A. Sampling a song is copyright infringement.

B. Rap artists have exclusive rights to the work they have made.

C. Commercial parody can qualify as fair use.

D. Parodies are only fair use if the artist receives permission from the artist.

C. Commercial parody can qualify as fair use.


Highlighting how "the average salaries of corporate CEOs" had increased by roughly thirty-six times from 1970 to 1998, economist Paul Krugman claimed that the United States was in what?

A. An economic boom

B. Greedflation

C. A Worker's Recession

D. A New Gilded Age

D. A New Gilded Age


What caused the Three Mile Island Nuclear Reactor to fail?

A. A woodpecker pecked a hole in the reactor.

B. The water cooling system failed.

C. A piece of the cooling tower fell onto the fuel rods.

D. The cooling turbine broke off and hit the reactor.

B. The water cooling system failed.


In the same way that geometry is the mathematical study of shape, Calculus is the study of continuous change. Which of the following is a real life application of calculus?

A. Doing taxes

B. Calculating business profits

C. Applying for loans

D. Constructing a fence

B. Calculating business profits


Each of the vignettes in The House on Mango Street features a unique title. The second to last vignette in the book references Virginia Woolf, a pioneering feminist and Modernist. Which famous essay by Woolf about championing women's writing does this vignette allude to? 

A. Women on the Marketplace

B. A Room of One's Own

C. The Waves

D. Gender Trouble

B. A Room of One's Own


The following clip contains part of English composer Gustav Holst's The Planets, Neptune the Mystic. Upon listening to the audio, you may be reminded of this theme:

A. Danny Elfman's Love Theme

B. Fredderic Rzewski's To the Earth

C. John William's E.T.

D. John William's Approaching the Death Star

D. John William's Approaching the Death Star


In 1995, Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols attacked which building, leading to the deaths of 168 people?

A. Oklahoma City Federal Building

B. The World Trade Center

C. The Pentagon

D. Centennial Olympic Park (Atlanta, Georgia)

A. Oklahoma City Federal Building