Name that genre
Parts of a paper
Citing sources

 This is a high-stakes genre because failure at this stage can mean failure in the course as a whole and the prospect of having no qualification. The word length of these texts tend to have the upper limit of 80,000 words.

Doctoral dissertation


This section appears at the beginning of an academic paper and provides a summary of the research, including the research question, methods, and findings.



This is the most common format for citing sources in academic writing, used widely in the social sciences.



This is one of the most frequently occurring genres, in which you should present both sides of an argument, without necessarily committing yourself to any points of view, which should always be based on evidence.

Argumentative Essay


In this section, the writer reviews existing literature on the topic to establish the context for the research.

Literature Review


When directly quoting a source, this 3 pieces of information must always be included in the in-text citation.

1. Author's last name, 2. Publication year, and 3. Page number(s). 


In this genre, you are trying to write down some of the thinking that you have been through while carrying out a particular activity, such as writing an essay, teaching a class or selling a product.  Thus, you should be able to make sense of what you did and why and perhaps help yourself to do it better next time.

Reflective writing  


This section discusses how the research was conducted, including the tools, procedures, and participants.



In the reference list, the title of a book should be formatted in this way.



 This is a relatively short text ranging from a few pages to 20-30 pages and usually goes through a peer review process.

Research Article 


This part of a paper explains the importance of the research, often summarizing the main findings and the significance for the field.



When summarizing or paraphrasing a source, you need to include this in the in-text citation, but not the page number.

Author's last name and the year of publication


A research genre characterized by an in-depth, contextually rich examination of a single unit—such as an individual, group, institution, event, or system—over a specified period.

Case Study


This part of a paper interprets the results of the research, offering implications, limitations, and suggestions for future studies.



In APA style, journal articles require this part of the citation, which links directly to the published article online.

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)