The American Revolution
Growth of US Sea Power
Cold War + Beyond
Who was the first commander of the Continental Navy?
Who is Esek Hopkins
Why didn't the United States build any new ships after the Revolutionary War?
What is the government couldn't tax the people.
World War I began in Europe in 1914 when what two countries declared war on each other?
What is Austria-Hungary and Serbia.
Operation Torch was the code word for the planned invasion of
What is French North Africa.
What is another name for the European Recovery Program?
What is the Marshall Plan.
Who was in charge of the American troops in the battle of Lake Champlain in 1776?
Who is Benedict Arnold.
The first man to be Secretary of the Navy was
What is Bejamin Stoddert.
What tactic caused Allied shipping losses from U-boat attacks to decline after May 1917?
What is the convoy system
Who was responsible for leading the first daylight invasion in WWII?
Who is Admiral Hewitt.
Who relieved MacArthur of his Far East duties?
Who is Matthew Ridgeway.
The battle at Yorktown in 1781 lasted
What is 10 days
Where did England defeat France to become ruler of the Atlantic Ocean 1805?
What is Tralfalgar.
The main objective of the German U-boats in World War I was to
What is attack merchant ships that were headed for Britain.
Who was the U.S. Commander in Chief, Pacific Fleet?
Who is Admiral Chester Nimitz.
Operation Chromite, probably the most daring amphibious assault ever planned, was conducted at
What is Inchon.
Instead of meeting General Burgoyne in Albany in 1777, General Howe made an illadvised decision to capture which city?
What is Philadelphia.
What was the Philadelphia Incident?
What is the capture of the crew of the USS Philadelphia and held for ransom by the Tripolitans.
Who was the commander of German surface forces in the Pacific when war broke out?
Who is Vice Admiral Graf von Spee
What was the name for the German West Wall? What was the name of the French counter wall?
What is the Sigfried Line and Maginot Line.
The man who became the first President of Russia after the fall of the Soviet Union was?
Who is Boris Yeltsin.
Who took over command of British forces in the Colonies after General Howe? Who then took over forces from them?
Who is Sir Henry Clinton; General Carleton.
What famous battle took place after the treaty ending the war of 1812 had been signed in Europe on Christmas Eve 1814? What was the name of the Treaty?
What is the Battle of New Orleans and the Treaty of Ghent.
What are two of the weapons found to be effective in attacking the German U-boats in World War I?
What is Depth charges and submarine chasers
Following the victory in the Mariana Islands, the Fifth Fleet was redesignated the U.S. what? Where is it stationed now?
What is Third Fleet, San Diego.
What President authorized the bombing of Hanoi, and the mining of Haiphong Harbor? What President ordered the unilateral halt of the bombing of Hanoi and invited N. Vietnam to peace talks?
Who is Richard Nixon; Lyndon Johnson.