Can You take items from staff desk without asking?
No, you must always ask and it may not be a yes.
If work is not completed what happens?
It becomes Catch-up, to be done on Friday.
When the bus arrives you can immediately hop up and get off?
Nope, you need to wait for staff to get on the bus.
What 3 respect rules do we follow?
Respect Yourself, respect others and respect the environment.
List 3 things we've done in SEL this year.
Growth mindset, perspective taking, zones of regulation, dealing with change, bullying, Senses, Friendology.
What cupboards are okay to go into?
You must always ask before opening a cupboard.
The rules of room 21 are the same as in integration.
Your integration teacher has their own rules, some may be the same some may be different.
What do you do with the first part of your Lunch?
Eat it!
When is a good time to use the washroom?
Snack, recess, lunch. void going when the class is starting a new lesson.
What are the 4 puzzle pieces you are trying to earn?
Mindful, Brave, Responsible and Kind.
Which black bins can you go into?
The one with small fidgets, noise cancelling head phones, computer headphones or colouring.
When you are getting instructions your job is what?
- Listen, get supplies then begin.
How many questions do you get to ask during circle?
Just 1, other questions can be shared at snack or lunch.
When do we do store?
$50 store at lunch if staff are available or Friday is big store day. This is a privilege and you can lose it.
What is Ms McCutcheon's favourite snack?
Candy and Chocolate
Where can you work on your academics?
What are 3 rules of technology?
It is a privilege, not a right
If you are not using it appropriately it will be lost.
Have clean hands and no food or drink around the computer
Make sure you are treating it with care - plugging it in, carry with two hands.
What is your job during quiet time?
Computer tasks the day or quiet reading.
No talking. The first 15min is to be doing the learning part, then if you are doing your job you can transition to the games or videos when staff let you know.
How can we show respect to our classmates?
Say kind and encouraging things, not making comments about what academics a peer is working on (we are all at different levels), listening to what is being shared, not making faces or muttering things.
Where is Ms. Buttigieg's happy place?
By water
List 3 rules about the Sensory room?
- It is a shared space
- leave it as it was found, clean up
- must ask before going
- You should not be going through the cupboards of touching the lights.
- no hiding or scaring people
- If you are there to work you are workingWhy do we go to integration?
To learn how to succeed in a mainstream school, build peer relationships, to challenge yourself and grow as a student.
If there is an issue at recess what is your job?
Talk to a supervisor at the moment. The recess issues are to be left outside and not to come into the classroom.
When is an appropriate time to use a fidget?
Only should take 30 seconds to pick out, only need 1.
How old is Willow?
5 years old.