Water and Landform
Animal Studies
Human Body

If a scientist found a fish fossil in the desert, what can they infer?

A) An animal ate the fish.

B) The water covered the area long ago.

C) Today's fish looks the same

D) The fish is endangered.

B) The water covered the area long ago.


During the fall season, the belly of a male brook trout becomes bright orange. The orange belly provides some camouflage for the fish and helps attract females. Scientists have observed fish with pale-orange bellies do not attract as many females as males with bright-orange bellies.

How does the orange-belly trait most likely help brook trout?

  • A) The orange-belly trait helps the fish grow in size.

  • B) The orange-belly trait helps the fish produce offspring.

  • C) The orange-belly trait helps the fish control their behavior.

  • D) The orange-belly trait helps the fish survive temperature changes.

B) The orange-belly trait helps the fish produce offspring.


You respiratory system helps you _______.

  • A) Move

  • B) Digest food

  • C) Breathe

C) Breathe


Three containers are filled with the same amount of sand. Three balls of the same mass are dropped into the containers of sand, as given in Figure . The balls each weigh  kilograms (kg). The heights of the containers are  meters (m),  m, and  m. The balls are dropped at speeds measured in meters per second (m/s). Each ball makes a different-sized crater in the sand, measured in centimeters (cm).

Table  gives data from the ball-drop investigation.

What can be concluded from the investigation?

  • A) The mass of the ball determines the speed of the ball.

  • B) The energy of the ball does not depend on the speed of the ball.

  • C) The size of the crater does not depend of the energy of the ball.

  • D) As the height of the ball increases, the energy of the ball increases.

D) As the height of the ball increases, the energy of the ball increases.


A student wants to investigate the energies of two identical marbles before and after they collide. The student plans to roll the marbles toward each other across a flat surface. Changes to which two characteristics of the marbles would best show that the energy of each marble changed during and after the collision?

  • A)mass and shape

  • B)shape and speed

  • C)location and mass

  • D)speed and location

D) Speed and Location


The drawings below show the same rock at two different times. 

Which set of information best identifies and describes the process shown in the drawings? 

  • A) Process: erosion

    Description: Water froze in a crack in the rock and caused the rock to break apart.

  • B) Process: weathering

    Description: Water froze in a crack in the rock and caused the rock to break apart.

  • C) Process: erosion

    Description: Water moved through a crack in the rock and carried small pieces of the rock to a new area.

  • D) Process: weathering

    Description: Water moved through a crack in the rock and carried small pieces of rock to a new area.

  • B) Process: weathering

    Description: Water froze in a crack in the rock and caused the rock to break apart.


Ducks live near ponds and lakes. The shape of a duck’s foot helps it swim and walk on muddy ground. 

Which factor is most important in determining the shape of a baby duck’s foot?

  • A) the shape of the parent ducks’ feet

  • B) the temperature of the pond water

  • C) the amount of mud in the bottom of the pond

  • D) the amount of rain that fell before the duck was born

  • A) the shape of the parent ducks’ feet


As your body works harder, what happens to your HEART rate?

A) increases

B) decreases

C) stays the same

D) beats backwards

A) increases


At which point is there the most potential energy? At which point is there the most kinetic energy?

A) Potential energy A; Kinetic energy B
B) Potential energy C; Kinetic energy D
C) Potential energy B; Kinetic energy D
D) Potential energy A; Kinetic energy D

A) Potential energy A; Kinetic energy B

Students have been asked to use Morse code to send a short message to one another. Each pair of students will stand facing away from each other at a distance of  feet. Which method would work best for each pair of students to send a message using Morse code?

  • A)using a flashlight

  • B)blinking their eyes

  • C)using sign language

  • D)playing a musical instrument

D) playing a musical instrument


The diagram below shows parts of a volcanic mountain.

Which claim is best supported by the information in the diagram?

  • A) Volcanoes are formed by destructive forces that build landforms.

  • B) Volcanoes are formed by constructive forces that build landforms.

  • C) Volcanoes are formed by destructive forces that break down landforms.

  • D) Volcanoes are formed by constructive forces that break down landforms.

B) Volcanoes are formed by constructive forces that build landforms.


How do the spines of a cactus help it survive?

  • A) Spines help the cactus get moisture.

  • B) Spines anchor the cactus in the ground.

  • C) Spines protect the cactus from animals.

  • D) Spines support the stems and branches of the cactus.

C) Spines protect the cactus from animals.


Which body system protects the organs from the outside world and includes the skin, hair and nails?

A) digestive system

B) nervous system

C) reproductive system

D) integumentary system

D) integumentary system


An engineer visited a classroom to demonstrate how a pinball machine works. The part of the machine that launches a ball is called the plunger. The engineer used a steel ball and a brass ball to model how the mass of a ball affects the ball's speed, even when the diameter of each ball is the same. The students observed that when the plunger was released against each ball, the brass ball was slower and did not travel as far compared to the steel ball.

Which statement best explains the students' observation?

A) The brass ball had less mass than the steel ball, and the plunger was pulled back the same amount for each ball.
B) The brass ball had more mass than the steel ball, and the plunger was pulled back the same amount for each ball.
C) The brass ball had less mass than the steel ball, and the plunger was pulled back farther for the brass ball than for the steel ball.
D) The brass ball had more mass than the steel ball, and the plunger was pulled back farther for the brass ball than for the steel ball.

B) The brass ball had more mass than the steel ball, and the plunger was pulled back the same amount for each ball.

Christmas tree lights are often connected in series. This is not a good idea because.....?

A)They use more energy

B) They aren't colorful

C) If one light breaks they all go out

D) There isn't a complete circuit

C) If one light breaks they all go out

Hawaiian Volcanoes

The Hawaiian Islands are found in the Pacific Ocean. They were formed by a group of volcanoes located on the ocean floor. The islands are different ages because of how they formed.

Map 1 shows the locations and ages of the biggest islands that make up the Hawaiian Islands.

Kilauea is an active volcano on the island of Hawaii. It has been erupting since 1983.

Kilauea releases two kinds of lava. Kilauea’s quieter eruptions release a slow-moving lava called “pahoehoe.” When it cools, pahoehoe forms smooth rocks. Kilauea’s loud, explosive eruptions release a fast-moving lava called “a‘a.” When it cools, a‘a forms rocks with sharp edges.

Picture 1 shows pahoehoe and a‘a.

The people living in Hawaii have found that building walls to guide the lava does not work.

Which solution will best help people avoid harm to themselves and their structures?

  • A) building a ring of lakes around the volcano to catch and cool all the lava

  • B) digging deep trenches down the mountainside to guide the lava away from structures

  • C) sending the fire department out to spray the lava with a lot of water to stop it from moving

  • D) studying maps that show where the lava may flow after an eruption in order to avoid building in those areas

D) studying maps that show where the lava may flow after an eruption in order to avoid building in those areas


How do most fish get the oxygen they need to survive?

A) They take in water and break it down into hydrogen and oxygen.
B) Using their gills, they take in oxygen that is dissolved in water.
C) They get their oxygen from the food they eat.
D) They come to the surface every few minutes to breathe air into their lungs.

B) Using their gills, they take in oxygen that is dissolved in water.

Julio wanted to know how his pulse rate changed when he ran very fast. He measured his pulse rate before he started running, while he was running, and two minutes after he stopped running. Which graph best shows how Julio's pulse rate changed?







Which of the following statements about thermal energy transfer is incorrect?

A) Thermal energy is transferred from one solid to another solid through conduction.

B) Thermal energy is transferred to liquids and gases through convection.

C) Thermal energy is transferred through wave energy through radiation.

D) Thermal energy is transferred from one solid to another solid through convection.

D) Thermal energy is transferred from one solid to another solid through convection.

Which objects on the table are "Opaque"?

A) Pitcher; Supply Box; Pencil
B) Book; Pencil; Rock
C) Pencil; Book; Goggles

B) Book; Pencil; Rock

Why are most fossils found in sedimentary rocks?

  • A) Sedimentary rocks are found only at the surface of the ground.

  • B) Organisms live only in areas with sedimentary rock.

  • C) Organisms can be preserved in sedimentary rock.

  • D) Sedimentary rocks are not very old.

C) Organisms can be preserved in sedimentary rock.

Which adaptation is an example of a behavioral adaptation?

A) A turtle having a hard shell to protect it
B) A duck having webbed feet to help it swim
C) A puffer fish puffing up to scare predators
D) A frog having bright colors to warm predators

C) A puffer fish puffing up to scare predators

You are sitting down inside your house. Your friend comes to the door and wants you to come outside and play.

What part makes the action of getting up and going outside to play?

A) nervous system

B) muscular system

C) integumentary system

D) respiratory system

A) nervous system


If a book is falling off a shelf, the book has ______ because it is changing its _________.

A) energy of motion, position

B) heat energy, speed

C) stored energy, position

D) energy transformation, evidence

A) energy of motion, position


Which letter(s) represent the rest position of the wave (select all that apply)?

A) A & C

B) B & F

C) E & G

D) D

A) A & C

C) E & G