It hurts when I pee

This hormone's main function is to increase the reabsorption of water in the distal tubule and collecting duct

What is antidiuretic hormone?


This type of AKI occurs when the disease is secondary to inflammation/infection or injury to glomular capilaries or tubular cells. 

What is renal AKI


This is the final phase of chronic kidney disease, when there is little to no function of kidneys due to widespread nephron death.

What is end-stage renal disease?


According to Renea, dialysis patients should always receive this level of care when being transported to the hospital.

What is ALS?


A patient calls 911 complaining of lower back pain on the left side and endorses relief when walking about the scene. 

What are renal calculi (kidney stones)


This is the functional unit of the kidney

What is a nephron?


This type of kindey injury occurs when the disease is secondary to processes like urinary tract obstruction like ureter or bladder obstruction.

What is postrenal AKI?


These two underlying conditions cause more than have of cases of ESRD.

What are hypertension and diabetes mellitus?


These are the two types of dialysis.

What are hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis?


The most common non-traumatic cause of priaprism is this disease.

What is sickle cell?


This duct runs from the kidney to the urinary bladder

What is a ureter?


This is the medical term for a sudden drop in urine output to less than 400-500 mL per day.

What is oliguria?

ECG monitoring in CKD patients is important as it may reveal arrhythmias, caused by this imbalance, whose observable effect is peaked T waves. 

What is hyperkalemia?


Both types of dialysis utilize this solution to clean patients' blood.

What is dialysate?


You respond to a nursing home for a 69 yo F and NH staff report Pt has been increasingly confused x2 days. Pt is bed-bound and is noted to have a full foley catheter bag that appears to contain dark orange-ish urine. You suspect this disease.

What is UTI?


The female urethra is approximately this long, while the male urethra is this long.

3-4cm; 20cm


This type of AKI may be caused by such conditions as CHF or myocardial infarction.

What is prerenal AKI?


In CKD patients, in addition to considering a small IV bolus or pressor for hypotension, pre-hospital providers may also consider this drug, if acidosis is suspected.

What is bicarb?


This is the most common complication with peritoneal dialysis.

What is infection?


You respond to a call for abdominal pain and find a 21 yo male writhing in pain on the ground. The patient complains of severe groin pain and is nauseated and unable to stand. Upon visual inspection you note that, despite it being quite warm, one of the patient's testes appears to be nearly retracted into the body. You suspect this condition.

What is testicular torsion?


This hormone is secreted by renin and is responsible for elevating arterial blood pressure

What is angiotensin I?


This process is a type of chronic inflammatory process that is commonly caused by antibiotics, NSAIDs, or diuretics may result in renal AKI

What is interstitial nephritis?


When medicating CKD patients, this aspect of medications should be considered, so as not to worsen the patient's condition or further damage their kidneys.

What is nephrotoxicity?


Peritoneal dialysis utilizes this as the semipermeable dialysis membrane.

What is the patient's peritoneal membrane?


You respond to a nursing home for a 64 year old male who is complaining of dizziness and shortness of breath immediately following his dialysis appointment. His condition is most likely caused by this common dialysis complication.

What is hypovolemia due to rapid fluid loss (or the removal of too much fluid during dialysis)?