Silent, Sustained Reading
My Grade
What Books?
AR Quizzes

What day of the week will we always do Silent, Sustained Reading?

The first day of the week. (Usually a Monday.)


What will your grade for Accelerated Reader be on the report card if you don't pass ANY quizzes?

0% "F"


Where do I look to find out if there's a quiz for my book so that it will count for my grade?


How many Accelerated Reader (AR) quizzes do I need to pass to get all of my reading grade points?

We need to pass AT LEAST 3 book quizzes for every report card.


How long does SSR last?

At least 20 minutes.


What will your grade for Accelerated Reader be on the report card if you pass only ONE quiz?

75% "C"


What's the LOWEST level book that will count for your grade?

Level 4.8


I get to pick the books I read for quizzes, except for one. What book do I NEED to take an AR quiz on?

The class novel that we're reading together in class.


There is ONE other thing that we can do during SSR besides reading. What is the other thing that we can do?

Take Accelerated Reader (AR) quizzes.


What will your grade for Accelerated Reader be on the report card if you only pass TWO quizzes?

85% "B"


What's the LOWEST number of points a book can have and still count for your grade?

The book needs to be worth AT LEAST 3 points to count for your report card grade.


What can I look at to see how many AR quizzes I've passed?

The Accelerated Reader Success Chart.


Once a student has passed all of their quizzes for the report card, what will they be allowed to read during SSR time?

Anything they darn well please. (Within reason.)

Comic books, manga, magazines, newspapers, etc.


What will your grade for Accelerated Reader be on the report card if you pass ALL THREE of the required quizzes?

100% "A+"


If I'm having a hard time finding a book to read that I'll actually enjoy, who is the best person at the school to help me find a book that doesn't suck?

The librarian. It's her job, and she LOVES helping students find books that are perfect for them. It's like her mission in life.


How many Experience Points (XP) will I get every time I pass an AR quiz?

1,000!  ☁ ▅▒░☼‿☼░▒▅ ☁


What will happen if a student doesn't bring a book to read for SSR time on Mondays?

They'll lose their classwork points from their grade, and their character will get hurt and lose Hit Points in the ClassCraft game. :(


Once a student has passed all three book quizzes, they can probably take more book quizzes for extra credit.

Who are the only students who can't get extra credit?

Students who have a "D" or "F" in the class, because they need to do some of the regular classwork before they can be allowed to get extra credit.


When I get OP, Thanos-level by finishing all of my book quizzes, then I can read pretty much anything I want.

I just have to make sure that what I'm reading is long enough to last for how long?

At least 20 minutes (because that's how long SSR time lasts.)


There's one kind of book that I can't EVER take an AR quiz about. What type of book is that?

A book quiz that I've already taken before.