What Is?

What is Acceptance 

Acceptance is a person's assent to the reality of a situation, recognizing a process or condition that is a fait accompli without attempting to change it or protest it


Benefits of Self-Acceptance are?

 - When you are accepting of yourself you tend to worry less about what others think. This helps you view situations with more clarity and makes you less likely to take on harsh criticism of yourself. 

- over all less stress

- better mental health 

Just some examples 


Why is Accepting Emotions Helpful?

You have emotions for a reason, so you shouldn't want to get rid of them completely. Emotions are part of a complex system that helps you decide what you should stay away from and what you should approach. Emotions also help you maintain lasting relationships with other people.

Ignoring emotions leads to poor decision-making. Therefore, accepting emotions is helpful because you can learn important information when listening to what you are feeling.


Alone we're strong, but together we thrive; with shared experience, we help lives survive. What am I?

Support group


Signs of Radical Acceptance


Radical acceptance is most often applied in situations when you are unable to fix or change what has happened or when something has happened that feels unfair, like the loss of a loved one or losing one’s job.

While grief and disappointment are normal emotions, suffering results when the initial pain is prolonged due to a lack of acceptance. 


What is Self-Acceptance

Self-acceptance is the ability to accept both your strengths and your personal faults without judgment


Strategies abound, when life's troubles come around. You might take a deep breath, or count to ten to withhold wrath. What am I?

Coping mechanisms


How do you Practice Accepting Emotions?

  • Mindfulness is a practice that focuses on becoming more aware of the present moment. A core component of mindfulness is learning to observe your thoughts and emotions completely and non-judgmentally.
  • Meditation can also be helpful for building awareness and acceptance of emotional experiences. Mindfulness meditation, or the practice of being aware of both your internal and external experiences, can be tremendously useful as you are learning how to accept your emotions. You can try a sitting meditation and mindful breathing exercises.
  • Psychotherapy can also be helpful if you have trouble accepting emotions. Talk to your doctor or consult a mental health professional for further advice and treatment. Some types of therapy that can be particularly helpful include cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), and mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR).

Characteristics of acceptance

Being able to see yourself fairly accurately and recognize what you are and aren’t good at Embracing all the parts of yourself—even the negative ones—and being happy with who you are Accepting your values, preferences, resources, feelings, intuitions, and actions—both past and present


Signs of Lack of Acceptance

Thought patterns:

  • I can’t deal with this.
  • This is not fair.
  • Things shouldn’t be like this.
  • I can’t believe this is happening.
  • It’s not right.
  • Things should be different.
  • Why is this happening to me?

Feelings and Behaviors:

  • You blame yourself for everything bad that happens in your life.
  • You feel stuck and don't think you can change anything for the better.
  • You wish that things were different, but you feel powerless.
  • You are angry with the world.
  • You resort to maladaptive coping mechanisms (such as alcohol or drugs).

Relationship patterns:

  • You are constantly nagging your spouse, hoping that they will change.
  • You are often disappointed by the choices that others make.
  • You feel resentful of things that have happened in the past.
  • You tend to hold grudges.

What is Emotional Acceptance 

Accepting means that you practice allowing your feelings to be what they are without judging them or trying to change them.It involves being aware of your emotions and accepting that these feelings exist without trying to suppress or push them away. 


What Happens When You Don't Accept Yourself?

  • Mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Low self-confidence and a fear of failure
  • Avoidance of people or situations that trigger negative feelings
  • Relationship issues due to a lack of firm boundaries
  • Self-hatred and a tendency to engage in negative self-talk (“Why did I think I could do this? I’m not good at anything—others are much better than I am”)

Why Do People With BPD Have Trouble Accepting Emotions?

People with BPD are often raised in emotionally invalidating environments. These are environments where feelings are not accepted. Sometimes people with BPD were punished for expressing feelings, or sometimes they were told that they were weak for having feelings. This can lead a person with BPD to have trouble accepting their own emotions in adult life.


Characteristics of Self-Acceptance are?

  • Being able to see yourself fairly accurately and recognize what you are and aren’t good at
  • Embracing all the parts of yourself—even the negative ones—and being happy with who you are
  • Accepting your values, preferences, resources, feelings, intuitions, and actions—both past and present
  • Recognizing your strengths and accomplishments without being overly vain about them
  • Learning to acknowledge your weaknesses and faults without beating yourself up over them or engaging in overly excessive negative self-talk
  • Having a positive attitude toward yourself and holding yourself in high regard, without the need for others’ approval
  • Seeing yourself as a whole human being, rather than defining yourself by any one characteristic, incident, ability, or weakness
  • Being able to love and respect yourself

 I change the mind's behavior, with strategies proven sharp and shrewd. What am I?

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy


What is Radical Acceptance 

Radical acceptance can be defined as the ability to accept situations that are outside of your control without judging them, which in turn reduces the suffering that is caused by them.


What is the one thing we need to remind ourselves daily?

None of us are perfect!!!


Feelings and emotions, a power to wield, with me, understanding is the shield. What am I?

Emotional Intelligence


Characteristics of Radical Acceptance

  • Acknowledge the present and be mindful of your situation in a non-judgmental way.
  • Ask yourself if you can control or change the situation. If you can’t control what happens, why are you getting angry?
  • Let go of judgment.
  • Let the past be in the past.
  • Breathe

Reasons for Lack of Acceptance

Some people have a hard time accepting situations because they feel as though acceptance is the same thing as being in agreement with what happened or saying that it is OK. In other cases, people don’t want to acknowledge the pain that would come with acceptance. 


I am not a GPS, but I guide you nonetheless; through thoughts and breath, I bring you rest. What am I?



What are the steps in Learning Self-Acceptance

  • Embrace your values: It’s important to identify, articulate, and embrace your personal values and beliefs. Thinking and acting in line with your values can help strengthen your sense of identity, improve your self-respect, and make it easier for you to accept yourself.
  • Set healthy boundaries: You may find that you need boundaries in various aspects of your life, such as your work, your relationships, your time, and your finances. Set boundaries and stick by them. Don’t let others infringe upon your boundaries or take you for granted. This can help prevent mistreatment, which you may find difficult to accept on a subconscious level.
  • Forgive yourself: If you’ve made a mistake, acknowledge it and learn from it, but don’t berate yourself for it repeatedly. Learn to forgive yourself for your mistakes.
  • Avoid self-blame: Recognize that you are not the cause of all the negative situations you encounter. Try to be objective and evaluate other factors that may have played a role in the circumstances.
  • Don’t compare yourself to others: Try to be a better version of your previous self, instead of making comparisons to others.
  • Focus on positivity: Make an effort to see the silver lining in every situation. Rather than focusing on what you did wrong, try to identify at least one thing you did right. If you have a negative thought about yourself, reframe it and replace it with a positive one instead.
  • Keep a journal: Maintain a journal where you note down your strengths and accomplishments, as well as your weaknesses and disappointments. If you are having difficulty accepting something, it can be helpful to note down your thoughts about the situation and what you could have done differently. This can help you implement changes in the future and act more in accordance with your values.
  • Try loving-kindness meditation: Loving-kindness meditation is a form of meditation that can help you build positivity, compassion, and equanimity.10 It involves thinking positive thoughts for yourself, appreciating yourself just the way you are, and saying affirmations out loud. 
  • Seek help: It may be helpful to see a mental health professional, if you feel that a lack of self-acceptance is disturbing your peace of mind, causing you to experience symptoms of anxiety or depression, interfering with your ability to eat or sleep, affecting your work, or harming your relationships.

What are some examples of emotional avoidance?

Emotional avoidance refers to behaviors designed to prevent or escape a difficult or uncomfortable emotion such as anger, guilt, shame, or fear. Examples of emotional avoidance include using alcohol or drugs, dissociating, avoiding certain situations or settings, or withdrawing from people.


Emotional Acceptance 


Perceiving emotions

the ability to detect and decipher emotions in faces, pictures, voices, and cultural artifacts—including the ability to identify one's own emotions. Perceiving emotions is a basic aspect of emotional intelligence, as it makes all other processing of emotional information possible.

Using emotions

the ability to harness emotions to facilitate various cognitive activities, such as thinking and problem-solving. The emotionally intelligent person can capitalize fully upon his or her changing moods in order to best fit the task at hand.

Understanding emotions

the ability to comprehend emotion language and to appreciate complicated relationships among emotions. For example, understanding emotions encompasses the ability to be sensitive to slight variations between emotions, and the ability to recognize and describe how emotions evolve over time.

Managing emotions

the ability to regulate emotions in both ourselves and in others. The emotionally intelligent person can harness emotions, even negative ones, and manage them to achieve intended goals.


How to Practice Radical Acceptance

  1. Pay attention to what triggers resistance, or notice when you can't accept something.
  2. Remind yourself that in this moment, reality can’t be changed.
  3. Remind yourself that there are causes for this reality that are outside of your control.
  4. Think about what you would do if you were able to accept what happened (and then do those things as though you had already accepted what happened).
  5. Imagine what things would be like if you accepted the situation.
  6. Use relaxation strategies, mindfulness practices, journaling, and self-reflection to understand your emotions.
  7. Let yourself feel your emotions in a safe way.
  8. Observe how emotions resonate in your body. Is there any tightness, pain, or restriction?
  9. Accept that life can be worthwhile even when experiencing pain.
  10. Decide to commit to the practice of acceptance when you feel resistance come up again.