Any person found or observed with a cell phone/electronic device during the test time must be
What is dismissed from testing and a misadministration declared?
Accommodations that alter the content of the test, interfere with the measurement of the construct, or provide inappropriate assistance to the student within the context of the test to do this.
What is invalidates the results of the test?
Used to determine whether a student has exited LEP status
What are results from the ACCESS for ELLs?
Addresses appropriate professional practices for central office and school administrators, test coordinators, teachers and proctors in the areas of securing, administering, reporting and interpreting state assessments.
What is Testing Code of Ethics?
Comprised of a consumable test book that is scanned like other scannable answer sheets. Therefore, care should be taken so that the book can be scanned for scoring.
What is ACCESS for ELLs?
Must be maintained at all times.
What is test security?
Must begin on the same day as the general test administration but may continue beyond the school's schedule for the regular test administration if the IEP or Section 504 Plan designates the sessions are to stretch across multiple days.
What is multiple test session?
Must be met to exit LEP status, per SBE policy GCS-A-012 (overall composite score of 4.8 or above, with at least a 4.0 on the Reading subtest and at least a 4.0 on the Writing subtest, for Kindergarten and tiers B and C in grades 1-12)
What is the Comprehensive Objective Composite (COC)?
Shall be school personnel who have professional training in education and the state testing program, and who's spoken English is clearly understandable by all language-minority students
What are test administrators?
Permitted as a test taking strategy on the ACCESS for ELLs if the students are instructed on how to properly use in the test book
What are highlighters?
The affected student (s) must be administered another secure form of the assessment.
What is when a misadministration is declared by the Accountability Director or Superintendent?
For test administrations that require accommodations, test administrator must complete.
What is Review of Accommodations Used During Testing form?
Students that exited LEP status within the last 2 years, and are included in the school's AMO calculations of the LEP subgroup, providing that subgroup already met the minimum number of 30 students AND the inclusions is necessary to achieve the AMO target.
What are Monitored Former LEP Students (MFLEP)?
Must be assigned and presented for each group test administration regardless of the number of students tested, but not required for the Speaking subtest or for students taking the Kindergarten assessment, as these are individually administered.
What is a trained proctor?
Testing window for ACCESS for ELLs.
What is February 2, 2015-March 13, 2015?
Encouraging students to be absent the day of testing; changing student responses at any time
What are examples of unethical testing practices?
Edition of the ACCESS for ELLs that is no longer produced by WIDA, and will result in a non-valid score for the student if used
What is Braille?
Shipped with test materials, for all LEP students in CFDC, as of December 4, 2014, and should be affixed to the test book IF the information is correct. If not, it should be returned to the LEP coordinator to investigate.
What are Student Pre-ID labels?
Test administrators or other designated school personnel must review each test book for students that receive the Mark in Book testing accommodation to ensure the student's final answers are clearly bubbled and ready to be machine scanned.
What is under secure conditions in a group setting (3 or more designated school personnel)?
The amount of time school systems must wait to re-administer the ACCESS for ELLs, if a misadministration is declared, because there is only one form of the test.
What is 5 days?
Materials should be disseminated within this time frame.
What is immediately prior to the test administration start time (no earlier than 15 minutes)?
The subtest that allows the testing accommodation "Test Administrator Reads Test Aloud (in English)
What is Writing?
When hand-coding (no Pre-ID label), every box must contain a number, including leading zeros to fill empty boxes
What is state Student ID Number?
Secure tests may not be used for purposes other than those approved by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services and the SBE.
What is test security as defined by SBE Policy GCS-A-004?
Identified LEP students that are not required to be assessed during the testing window, and will not be included in the AMAO calculations.
What are LEP students that enroll after March 6th?