Listening Test
Reading Test
Writing Test
Speaking Test

How many parts are there in the Access test?

4 parts (Called "domains"


How many times will the reader read each story on the Listening section?

Only ONE time


Which domain comes first: Reading or Listening?

The Listening Test next Wednesday January 19th!


Which domain comes first? Writing or Speaking?

Writing comes first!

What materials will you need for the Speaking test?

Your iPad, scratch paper, pencil and most importantly... your headphones WITH working microphone

What are the 4 parts (or domains) of the test?

Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking


What materials will you need for the Listening section?

Your iPad, the school headphones, scratch paper and a pencil

What is one tip for the Reading test?

Example answers: Write on your scratch paper, use the highlighter tool, use the line tool while you read, look for words you know, look for key words, mark off incorrect answers


What should you do FIRST when you get to a writing question?

Read the question to see if it is asking for ONE paragraph or MULTIPLE paragraphs


What would a good response to this question: What is your name and where do you go to school?

My name is ____. I go to Eastgate 6th grade center. 

*** DON'T just say one or two words! Speak in complete sentences


Can you have your phone out during the test?

No! This is a breach of security


What can you do with the scratch paper?

Write down notes and key words while the speaker is speaking


What should you read first on each reading test question?

The question and answer choices! Look for key words to help you while you read the passage.


After you read the question, what should you do next on the Writing test?

PLAN your writing! Write on your scratch paper to plan out each part of your paragraph OR multiple paragraphs.


What would be a good response to this question: What is your favorite hobby outside of school and why? Give at least two reasons.

Listen to responses!


What should you do when you are done?

Read a book quietly or draw. No talking!


Tell two pieces of advice for the Listening Section

Potential answers: Listen the first time carefully, take notes on your paper, use the picture to help you, cross off wrong answers

How many times can you read the passage/story?

As many times as you want! 


After you plan on your scratch paper, what should you do?

Type your response in the DRC app. Make sure to write complete sentences and use transition words.


Describe our classroom in a way that would get you a HIGH score on the Speaking test.

Answers vary.


What's the App called where we take the Access test?

DRC Insight


What are key words?

A word or phrase the speaker uses that might be helpful, or a word or phrase that is repeated


What are two things you can do if you are not sure of the answer after reading the passage?

Reread the passage and cross off answers you know are incorrect to help you make the best guess


When you are done drafting, what should you do?

Don't press submit yet! Use the Check Your Writing checklist in the DRC app to make sure you completely answered the question. Edit your writing for spelling, punctuation, and capitalization.


Describe how to tie your shoes using sequence words

Answers vary: Must use first, next, then, and last! :-)