a) Because b) Becuase
c) Becose
a) The student smile
b) The student smiles
c) The student smiling
The student smiles
I would like __ chocolate bar
A recipe telling you how to make chicken biryani
Who is your personal tutor at college?
a) Comunnity b) Comunity
c) Community
a) The dogs are sleeping
b) The dogs sleeping
b) The dogs is sleeping
The dogs are sleeping
Arshad was late and apologised to ___ teacher
A letter from the council telling you which days your rubbish bins will be collected
To inform/information
Which one means a busy town or city area?
urban, suburb, rural
a) Councel b) Council
c) Counsil
a) Jo and Abdul eating pizza
a) Jo and Abdul eat pizza
b) Jo and Abdul eats pizza
Jo and Abdul eat pizza
I like to eat ___ eggs for breakfast
A website telling you about different religions around the world
To inform/information
What is a verb?
An action or doing word.
a) Colege b) Collage
c) College
a) We will all go shopping
b) We will all to go shopping
c) We will all goes shopping
We will all go shopping
Bianca needs to get ___ job
An article from a dentist telling you the things you should do to look after your teeth
To advise/give advice
What are the three punctuation marks we can end a sentence with?
Full stop (.), question mark (?), exclamation mark (!)
a) Faccilities b) Facilities
C) Ficillities
a) The class with 12 students start at 9am
b) The class with 12 students starts at 9am
c) The class with 12 students is start at 9am
The class with 12 students starts at 9am
You should make a plan for ___ future
A charity poster asking you to donate money
To persuade
What is a centenarian?
Someone who lives to be 100 years old.