This store in New York started participating on the Big Thanksgiving Parade since 1924.
Official meat we eat in Thanksgiving
Fact about Thanksgiving:
"Lo más importante es la familia" this means
The most important thing during Thanksgiving is the family.
Traditional dessert on Thanksgiving dinner
de Calabaza, Pastel de Manzana
Vegetables in Spanish
Las Verduras
Los Vegetales
Fecha del Dia Acción de Gracias en el 2021
Jueves veinticinco de noviembre del 2021.
Name of Red Cranberry in Spanish
Arándanos Rojos
The act of giving thanks
Acción de Gracias.
People look for this activity after eating at home:
Go shopping
Ir de compras
To eat Dinner rolls
Comer Panecillos
Name in Spanish for Native Indians and Pilgrims.
Please note Native Indians not Indians.
Indígenas y Peregrinos
Name for Stuffing
"Me gusta la salsa de carne en mi puré de papas".
"I like gravy on my mashed potatoes".
After Thanksgiving dinner we:
Watch the football game
Vemos el juego de football
Dormimos, dormir
Pudín, Budín
Mother of Thanksgiving Day
Sarah Josepha Hale.
This means CORN used also on Tamales
This means: Happy Thanksgiving Day in Spanish
¡Feliz Día de Acción de Gracias!
No school on these days on Thanksgiving week
miércoles, jueves, viernes.
To share food
Compartir la comida
On October 3, 1863 this President proclaimed Thanksgiving Day as a Holiday.
Abraham Lincoln
A Symbol of Thanksgiving which represents Harvest, abundance and sharing
Word for "full" in Spanish that means: "we are stuffed for eating so much"
Black Friday
El Viernes Negro o Viernes de Descuentos
Cazuela, caserola