Section 504
MORE Classroom
STAAR Accommodations
Middle and High School
It is important to understand "Section 504" as we discuss accommodations. What is Section 504? 1- A law for students with dyslexia 2- A law for individuals with disabilities 3- A law for all students
2- Section 504 is a federal civil rights law under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. It provides protection against discrimination for individuals with disabilities. Students in school settings fall under the civil rights protection of Section 504.
Which of the following is the definition for "accommodation" in a school setting? 1- Changes to instructional materials, procedures or techniques. 2- Change over the course of the school year based on students needs. 3- Should be evaluated regularly to determine effectiveness 4- all of the above
4- All of the above. Accommodations are changes to instructional materials, procedures or techniques. -Allow a student with a disability to participate meaningfully in grade-level or course instruction. Should be individualized. Can change over the course of the school year based on students. May be appropriate for classroom use but not allowed in the statewide assessment. Should be evaluated regularly to determine effectivene NOTE: A student with an identified disability who receives Section 504 services and meets established eligibility criteria can receive certain STAAR accommodations.
A student has difficulty following instructions or directions in class. Name at least one accommodation that may be useful?
1- Break large tasks into steps. 2- Give directions in small steps. 3- Read written directions or instructions to the student. 4- Have a peer write assignments. 5- Give examples when giving instructions.
STAAR is an acronym for: 1- Students Take An Awesome Test in Reading 2- State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness 3- Students Take All Assessments Readily
2- State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness
Is it appropriate for a middle or high school student to participate in their Section 504 meeting? Yes or No
YES…if your child is interested and is ready to self-advocate this experience will help them learn how to speak up for themselves. Students who know how to self-advocate have an important skill that supports lifelong success, yet few children actually are taught how to understand their needs and communicate those needs to others. When your child is in elementary or middle school, assure him that you will advocate for him when making decisions or changes about his/her education. At the same time encourage him to begin to sort out their strengths and weaknesses. This will develop the confidence and awareness needed to speak for themselves when they are ready to attend their Section 504 meeting or IEP meetings.
As a parent of a student with characterists of dyslexia, where is the first time you are likely to hear the words "Section 504"? 1- At a parent teacher conference 2- At the initial 504 meeting to determine the need for dyslexia reading intervention 3- At a parent workshop
2- At the initial 504 meeting to determine the need for dyslexia reading intervention. You are a very important member of the 504 committee. You can advocate for accommodations that you think your child needs.
Who is responsible for implementing student accommodations in the school setting? 1- All teachers who teach the student 2- Only the homeroom teacher 3- Parents and teachers
1- All teachers who teach the student. Classroom teachers should receive a copy of the accommodation page during the 504 meeting. If the students has more than one teacher, the 504 coordinator is responsilbe for making sure that all other teachers receive a copy as well. Teachers are then responsible for implementing the accommodations stated. Parents also receive a copy and can communicate with teachers to assure that the accommodations are being implemented.
Which of the following is NOT a possible accommodation? 1- A  small  number  of  students  taking  the  test in the computer  lab or library. 2- One  student  taking  the test in an office. 3- Test administrator reading the passage to a student?
3. Test administrator reading the passage of a reading test. Reading selections may NEVER be read aloud to a student For a student who meets the eligibility criteria only this accommodation may be used. Test questions, answer choices, and required reference materials (as applicable) may be read aloud to a student. -­ Mathematics (grades 3–8, Algebra I, geometry, and Algebra II*) Test questions, answer choices, and required reference materials may be read aloud to a student -­ Science (grades 5 and 8, biology, chemistry*, and physics*) Test questions, answer choices, and required reference materials (as applicable) may be read aloud to a student -­ Social Studies (grade 8, world geography, world history, and U.S. history*) Test questions and answer choices may be read aloud to a student. Required reference materials may be read aloud to a student - Writing, Revising and editing passages, test questions, and answer choices may NEVER be read aloud to a student. - English III (High School) analytical writing prompt may never be read to students like the other grades can. NOTE: Just because a student has reading difficulties doesn’t mean an oral administration is going to help. This accommodation should be used only for students who use it ROUTINELY and EFFECTIVELY in the class.
Which of the following is a MYTH regarding accommodations? 1- A teacher should only use accommodations during classroom instruction that are allowed on the statewide assessment. 2- Routine accommodation use means every day of the school year. 3- If a student has EVER used an accommodation in the classroom, he or she should use it during the statewide assessment 4- All of the above
4- All of the above ▫Policies for accommodation use on statewide assessments should not limit an educator’s ability to develop individualized materials and techniques to facilitate student learning. ▫Instruction is when learning occurs. Instruction comes first, lasts longer, and can be customized to meet the needs of each student. ▫Unlike instruction, statewide assessments must be standardized so that student results can be compared and interpreted. NOTE: Some accommodations may be appropriate and suitable for classroom use but may not be allowed for use on a statewide assessment.
How can I prepare my child to Self-Advocate? Discuss this with your group and come up with some ideas.
Start educating your child. Ask, “Do you think you learn better when you hear about something or when you look at something?” “Do your teachers usually give a fair amount of homework?” “What happens when you can’t figure out what to do and the teacher doesn’t seem to know you need help?” Middle school students- should know the name and description of their disability. Let your child know that it’s appropriate to inform a teacher of strategies that support success: “I can’t seem to grasp what you want when you show us without explaining. Could you discuss each step you demonstrate? I think I’d do much better in your class with that help.” High school students- should be encouraged to participate in the process that defines their learning. They should know their rights, be able to present a comprehensive description of their assets and deficits, and contribute actively to Section 504 or IEP meetings. College Students- Learning to advocate will help you achieve your goals. Whether you are majoring in a specific course of study or in a general studies program, it is important for your to learn how to advocate for yourself in college or vocational school to ensure that you have the accommodations necessary for you to achieve success in your classes. When you are considering a college, it is wise to learn about their disability policies before you choose to attend there. Self-determination is the highest goal for your child!
Who makes up a Section 504 Team? 1- All teachers who work with the student 2- Parents 3- 504 coordinator and administrator 4- All of the above
4- All of the above. Responsibility for considering and developing a Section 504 Accommodation Plan consists of a core group that includes: -the school principal or administrator, referring and/or general education classroom teachers, school counselor/504 coordinator and parents. The team must be familiar with the student in question.
What should be considered when selecting approriate accommodation for student? 1- Student routine and independence 2- How well an accommodation works 3- All of the above
3- All of the above. Routine use, student independence, and effectiveness are important considerations when determining accommodations. It is acceptable to withhold an accommodation during instruction when determining whether it is effective and/or still necessary for the student. Some students outgrow certain accommodations while other students continue to need them throughout the school year or over several years. NOTE: SPED and 504 accommodations may not be the same. If your child is a SPED student please follow your child's IEP.
Name at least one type of Assistive Technology that can support students in the classroom?
Electronic talking dictionary, Electronic text and audio books "Bookshare", Word processing / word prediction software programs, Reading and Spelling Apps., "Dragon Dictation" a voice recognition app. that allows you to easily speak and instantly see your text or email messages, Text-to-speech engines for reviewing /reading back text on a screen. Some students might also benefit from having the words highlighted as they follow along. On State test (STAAR), The dictionary as a form of spelling assistance for grade 4 writing tests (in addition to facilitating comprehension of unfamiliar words for reading tests) –Now applies to grade 4 writing test (as well as grades 3-5 reading tests) –Eligibility now addresses student needs for spelling assistance on writing tests (as well as memory retrieval/decoding on reading tests)
Test administrators can read the question and answer choices as many times as the student asks. True or False?
TRUE Students may raise their hand as many times as necessary to have any part of the question and answer choices reread. The student must read the selection first. When the student has finished reading the selection, the test administrator may read aloud each test question and then read the answer choices. The test questions and answer choices must be read aloud in the order they are presented.
Do students in grade 11 and 12 receive STAAR accommodations? YES or NO
NO. TAKS grade 11 and 12 students do not receive any accommodations specifically due to dyslexia. STAAR accommodations for students with dyslexia extend to grade 10.
Who qualifies for Section 504? 1- Only school children 2- Adults and students who meet Section 504 criteria 3- All of the above
2- Adults and students who meet Section 504 criteria. Section 504 defines a person with a disability as anyone who . . . has a mental or physical impairment which substantially limits one or more major life activities such as caring for one's self, performing manual tasks, walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, learning, working, sleeping, standing, lifting, reading, concentrating, thinking, communicating, helping, eating, bending, or operation of a bodily function.
Your child has a difficult time completing homework assignments. Which of the following can be a helpful accommodation? 1- Reduce homework, especially assignments requiring reading. 2- Allow student to dictate answers to homework to a parent, sibling or tutor. 3- Allow typewritten homework. 4- Limit time spent on homework. 5- Do not take off points for homework handed in late 6- All of the above 7- None of the above
6. All of the above
Which is a Math accommodation used in the classroom but not on the STAAR test? 1- Scratch Paper or Another Workspace 2- Peer helper 3- Blank paper, colored paper, lined paper, graph paper, butcher paper, adhesive notes. 4- Calculator (High School)
2- Peer Helper. Not all accommodations that are used and allowed in a classroom setting are allowed on a state test like STAAR. The use of accommodations occurs primarily during classroom instruction. Classroom instruction allows for any techniques and tools to meet the educational needs of each student. The statewide assessment is a standardized tool for measuring every student’s learning in a reliable, valid, and secure manner. Accommodations that invalidate what is being assessed or compromise the security of the test cannot be allowed.
In order for students to utilize accommodations, during STAAR testing, they must be used prior to testing in a classroom setting. True or False?
Calculators are an allowable accommodation for some specific STARR tests. True or False
TRUE- Calculators •A graphing calculator is required for each student taking a math test. •A graphing or scientific calculator is required for each student taking chemistry or physics. •For biology, one calculator must be provided for every five students. •Calculators used may not have a computer algebra system (CAS), allow access to the internet, or be a device that has a calculator application such as a cell phone. •Memory must be cleared before and after testing
Who has Section 504 responsibilites? 1- Classroom teachers 2- Parents and students 3- School principals 4- 504 coordinator 5- All of the above
5- All of the above. Everyone has Section 504 Responsibilities Parent and Student can suggest accommodations, participate in Section 504 meetings, benefit from the accommodations. Classroom teachers: Develop and implement program accommodations. Refer/identify/evaluate students, as appropriate. School Principals, designate a Section 504 Representative for the school. 504 Coordinator- Coordinate Section 504 processes and training. .
What is the number one, most needed accommodation for students with dyslexia? 1- Read question and answer choices 2- More time for school work and tests
2- More time! For all school work, assignments and tests. This  accommodation  allows  a  student  with  a  disability  to  have  extra  time  until  the  end  of  the  school   day  to  complete  a  statewide  assessment.
Should accommodations have an impact on how assignments are graded? Yes or No
No...School assignments and tests completed with accommodations should be graded the same way as those completed without accommodations. After all, accommodations are meant to "level the playing field," provide equal and ready access to the task at hand, and not meant to provide an undue advantage to the user.
Cassie is a fourth grade student receiving Section 504 services for dyslexia. She uses an electronic dictionary that “reads” the definitions aloud to her for words that are difficult for her to decode. She is able to comprehend grade-­level texts when using this accommodation. Can Cassie use an electronic dictionary on the STAAR grade 4 reading assessment? YES or NO
YES. Cassie meets the eligibility criteria and may use an electronic dictionary on the STAAR grade 4 reading assessment.
If you have any questions regarding accommodations, Section 504 procedures or STAAR regulations, where can you go for answers? Name one person or resource.
You can always ask your Dyslexia Reading teacher, school administrators or Section 504 coordinators. For more information you can use the following websites: =Texas Education Agency / STAAR and for Section 504 information.