Who is the principal at WFAMA?
What does ESL stand for?
English as a second language
What does GT stand for?
Gifted and talented
What does IEP stand for?
Individualized education program
Is 504 a state or federal program
Who is the department chair for the ESL department?
Latoya Williams
Who is on the LPAC committee?
campus administrator, ESL representative, any trained parent of an ESL student
Where can you find examples of GT lessons?
Texas Performance Standards Projects
What does ARD stand for?
Admission, review and dismissal
Who is our campus Language Science teacher?
Dede Toney
What does TELPAS measure?
a student's proficiency levels in the areas of reading, writing, listening and speaking
What evaluation tool have we used to identify GT students?
What is a BIP?
Behavior intervention plan
Who is the campus case manager for special education students?
Debbie Losey
Does a LEP student have to receive ESL or Bilingual services?
No, because they can deny services. However they are still required to take TELPAS.
How often are students screened or tested for the GT program?
Once a year
Who participates on the ARD committee?
campus administrator, campus diagnostician, parent, general education teacher, related service providers
Who is the campus 504 coordinator?
Brittany Torres
Give an example of an activity using the ELPS in reading
Choose one from blue form
Who is our new district GT coordinator
Nneka McGee
Who can call an ARD meeting
anybody with a direct educational interest in the student