Other Subjects
Give Examples

A grade 2 class is working on multiplication and division. They are answering questions using the equation format 4x4= and 18 ÷ 6=. Mark is learning with the class, but his worksheet includes visuals using equal groups to solve the questions. Is this an accommodation or modification?


Accommodation. They are learning the same concept, and have the same numbers, Mark just has visual learning aids as he struggles with math facts and mental computation without manipulatives.


Yusef's class is writing a paragraph about their summer vacation. Yusef struggles with writing stamina and clear printing, so he is using Google Read and Write speech to text software so that he can verbalize his ideas while the computer types it for him. He must write a minimum of 8 sentences and have proper grammar, capitalization and punctuation and spelling like the rest of his peers. Is this an accommodation or modification?

Accommodation. Yusef has the same writing expectations as his peers, he is just using an assistive technology program to help him overcome his writing needs and demonstrate his abilities in narrative writing. 


Harjap's french class is taking a unit test on regular -er, -ir and -re verbs. They are to fill in the blanks for each section and write a sentence using each verb correctly. Harjap's test contains only -er verbs and he is provided a word box to choose from as he has difficulty with remembering concepts in French and conjugating verbs. Is this an accommodation or modification? 

Modification. The expectations, content and complexity of the task have been changed. Harjap is not expected to meet the same grade level expectations in the assessment, and it has been changed to meet his learning needs.


Give an example of an accommodation for a student who is hard of hearing. Answers will vary. 

Examples of an accommodation could be: provide closed captioning on videos, record lessons and provide to student, repeat instructions and class responses, use of FM system and microphone, prioritized seating, give written and verbal instructions, provide class notes, reduce background noise, etc.


Kayla experiences difficulties in math where she mixes up number (ie. 23 instead of 32). She is completing a math task for her teacher. This task is not assessing memory of math facts. Most of the class is not using a calculator to complete the work, but Kayla is using a talking calculator. Is this an accommodation or modification?

Accommodation. Kayla is using an assistive technology tool to help her complete the work because of her learning need. She is not completing work that is a different grade level, or with different expectations. She is just using a device that ensures she is writing the correct number because it reads the numbers out to her.


Mary's class is writing persuasive paragraphs on what would be a great class pet. They are to use proper paragraph format and persuasive techniques. They are to write at least 6 sentences, including topic and concluding sentences. Mary struggles with writing, forming and expanding on ideas, spelling, sentence and paragraph structure. Mary writes 2 sentences with the support of the teacher about why the class should have a hamster and draws a picture. Is this an accommodation or modification?

Modification. Mary is unable to complete the expected writing skills of persuasive writing and paragraph writing due to a learing need in language. The complexity and expectations of the task have been changed to meet Mary at her learning level.


A grade 7 class is completing a history project. They are supposed to conduct research and use classroom resources to identify key social and economic changes that occurred in or affected Canada during 1850- 1890 and explain the impact of some of those changes on various individuals, groups, and communities. They are supposed to create a presentation and present it to the class. Jason's project has him using the textbook, identifying the different changes and placing them on a timeline. He will then present it to the teacher. Is this an accommodation or modification?

Modification. The grade 7 expectation lists that students must describe the impacts of the different social and economic changes on different individuals, groups and communities. Jason is being asked only to identify them, thus some the expectations of the curriculum have been changed/removed, as well as the complexity and variety of materials being used. The assignment has been changed to meet Jason's learning needs. 


Give an example of an accommodation you can make for a verbal student with ASD. Answers will vary.

Examples of an accommodation could be: use verbal responses for assessments, use of scribe, variety of assessment formats, reading of instructions, smaller tasks, assigning less questions, extra time and extended deadlines, use of technology such as Chromebooks, noise cancelling headphones, use graphic organizers, timed breaks, alternative work space.


A grade 2 class is completing a financial literacy assessment. They are using bills and coins to create different values up to $200. Joshua's task is to use bills and coins to create values up to $50. Is this a accommodation or modification?

Modification. The curriculum expectation for the grade 2 curriculum and the specific task is to make values up to $200, whereas Joshua is completing the grade 1 expectation of creating values up to $50.


Michael has ADHD and has difficulties with attention, focus and note taking. Michael's class is completing an individual task where they are to make Powerpoint slides about what they learned from a personal safety presentation their teacher gave yesterday. Michael was provided with notes and an audio recording of the presentation to complete his task. Is this an acccommodation or modification? 

Accomodation. Michael has been provided with materials that help him meet the same expectations as his classmates. Due to Michael's exceptionality, he needs this extra support in order be successful, as his attention issues and inability to take notes during the presentation have affected his ability to rememebr the presentation and its content.


Cara's class is being assessed on kicking a ball at a target in gym class. Cara has a physical disability that affects her mobility and strength, so she is given extra chances to kick the ball. Is this an accommodation or modification?

Accommodation. Due to Cara's disability, she is being provided extra supports so that she can successfully demonstrate the skill. The skill expectation has not been changed.  


Give an example of an accommodation for a student who has a learning disability that struggles with reading. Answers will vary.

Examples of accommodations can include: use of talking dictionary, use of assistive technology for text to speech software, teacher reads out materials and questions or provides recordings, use of peer reader, use of visual aids, use of videos for lessons, variety of assessment formats, etc. 


The grade 8 class is writing a probability test. They have two periods to complete it. Maddie has the same two periods, as well as an extra period tomorrow to complete it. Is this an accommodation or modification?

Accommodation. Maddie is completing the same grade level content and questions as her class, she is given extra time due to a possible need in writing and processing time.


Simarpreet struggles with decoding and letter blending sounds. This also affects her spelling greatly. Her class is completing a reading comprehension assessment. Her classmates are given a written copy of the story and written questions. Simarpreet is completing the test in the resource teacher's room. She is given a computer with text to speech software to read the digital copy of the book and questions. She uses speech to text software to answer the questions. Is this an accommodation or modification?

Accommodation. Simarpreet is being assessed on her reading comprehension skills and her ability to answers questions about the text. She has the same text and questions as her peers. Due to learning need in reading and writing, she provided with materials in an alternative format and uses assistive technology programs to demonstrate her ideas and understanding. 


Anna has ASD and is learning a new song in music class on the bucket drum, during practise, she sits at the front next to the teacher while he guides her on the correct beats. Is this an accommodation or modification?  

Accommodation. Anna is learning the same song as her classmates on the same instrument. Due to the fact that she struggles with keeping the beat and tempo, she is given an environmental accommodation in terms of seating and extra support from the teacher so that she can master the skill like her classmates.


Give an example of an accommodation for a student with a behaviour exceptionality who struggles with keeping on task and is very easily distracted. Answers will vary. 

Examples of an accommodation could be: alternative work spaces, use of noise cancelling headphones, create tasks surrounding student interests, timed mental and movement breaks, student choice in assessment options and demonstration of understanding, small group instruction, student-teacher conferencing, etc.


Liam’s grade 5 class is completing an in-class math task where they are comparing and ordering whole numbers up 100,000. Liam’s work is comparing and ordering numbers up to 1000. Is this an accommodation or modification?

Modification. Liam is completing math work that is at Grade 3 level expectation for number sense, due to a possible learning disability in math. The rest of his class is completing math work at a Grade 5 level expectation. Due to the grade level differences in expectations, Liam is completing modified work.


Tyler's class read a story together. They are working on identifying story elements. Each student must write detailed sentences about the theme, characters, setting, problem, and solution. Tyler is on the non-identified list and receives in class support. He is still developing his understanding of story elements; he also struggles with organization of ideas, grammar and sentence structure. He is assigned to write jot notes about the characters and the setting. 

Modification. The number of and complexity expectations, as well as the written structure of the assignment has been changed to meets Tyler's learning level. He is not expected to demonstrate the same knowledge, content or level of understanding as the rest of the class.


Christian's grade 6 class is making animals out of clay in visual arts class. Christian struggles with fine motor skills and does not have the same hand strength as other students his age. His art teacher gives him Model Magic to create his animal because it is softer, so it is easier to mold than clay.

Accommodation. Christian is completing the same project as his classmates. The assignment expectations have not been changed; he has just been giving a different material in order to overcome the limitations of his physical disability so he can demonstrate his artistic skills. 


Give an example of an accommodation for a student who struggles with anxiety at school. Answers will vary.

Examples of accommodations could be: extra time and warnings before transitions, preferential seating, clearly stated and written expectations, frequent check-ins for understanding, not requiring to read aloud or present in front of whole class, video taped presentations or presenting in front of the teacher, extended time for tests, tests taken in a separate environment, access to a calming spot in the classroom during moments of high anxiety, breaking down assignments into smaller pieces, etc.