Multiple Choice
General Knowledge
Accommodation or Modification

Students who have modifications to their programming also usually require accommodations as well. 

True or False



Which of the following is NOT an example of an accommodation?

a) extra time to complete a test

b) reducing the complexity of the questions from the current grade level curriculum

c) having a movement break at the end of a lesson

d) having answers scribed on a test


If any changes are made to the number or complexity of the expectations than it would be considered a modification NOT an accommodation. 


If a student is only receiving accommodations,  the IEP box should be checked off on the report card.

True or False


The IEP box on the report card is ONLY checked if a student is receiving modifications to the current grade level curriculum, not if the student is only receiving accommodations.


The number or complexity of the expectations are changed from the current curriculum.

Is this a modification or an accommodation?


This is usually done for students in secondary school or in subject areas other then math or language for elementary students. 


Jayden is given a spelling list with 5 words to study for the weekly spelling test. The rest of the class has 20 words to study for the spelling test as well as a different focus (expectations) than Jayden. 

Is this a modification or an accommodation?


There is a change in the number of words as well as the complexity of the expectations for the weekly spelling test from the rest of the class.


Modifications are discussed with the students' teacher(s) and are done informally not required to be documented.

True or False


Any modifications that happen need to be documented on a student's IEP


Which of the following would not be considered an INSTRUCTIONAL accommodation?

a) visual cues

b) small group instruction

c) photocopy of class notes

d) alternative work location

d) alternative work location

Although this is an example of an accommodation it would be considered an environmental accommodation. 


What type of student is able to have access to accommodations in the classroom?

Any student is able to have accommodations within the classroom, not just students on an IEP.


A student in grade 2 is only completing half of the math expectations of the grade 2 curriculum. 

Is this a modification or an accommodation?


Although the student is still working within the current grade level, there is a change in the number of expectations being completed. 


Arianna is listening to an audio version of the novel her class is reading. 

Is this an accommodation or a modification?


As long as there are no changes to the expectations of the current grade level expectations this would be an accommodation. 


Parents should be consulted and their input should be considered when developing modifications or accommodations for their child.

True or False


Teachers, support staff, and administration should regularly communicate with parents regarding their child's IEP.


In which area can a student receive accommodations?

a) instruction

b) environment

c) assessment

d) all of the above

D - all of the above

A student can receive accommodations in any of the listed areas to help meet curriculum expectations of the current grade.


Modifications to a student's learning is based on the students' individual needs. Modifications do not follow the "one size fits all model".

True or False


Modifications are tailored to each individual student and are identified on their own IEP (individualized education program).


A teacher gives the class a choice of how they would like to present their final task such as an oral presentation, a written report, a hands on model etc. 

Is this an accommodation or a modification?


Letting a student choose how they would like to demonstrate their learning at the end of a unit is an accommodation as the expectations they are bein evaluated on remain the same. 


Charlie has a hard time focusing during independent work when he is seating with his classmates in a table group. He prefers to sit at a desk by himself closer to the teacher. 

Is this an accommodation or a modification?


Charlie is doing the same work as his classmates but prefers to work at an alternative work space to help him achieve completion of the task. 


In elementary schools, for math and language, if a student requires modifications, usually the curriculum of a different grade level is followed.

True or False



Who needs to be aware of any accommodations being used in the classroom?

A) the student and homeroom teacher

B) all teachers supporting the student

C) all teachers, parents/guardians, and student

d) all teachers and parents

C - any teachers, parents/guardians and student

All teachers, parents/guardians, and the student should be aware of and understand the accommodations that are being used to help support the student.



When a student experiences a change to WHAT they are learning.

Is this an accommodation or a modification?


Modification change WHATudent is learning. An accommodation changes HOW a student learns.


Amy recently broke her arm an find writing with her cast too difficult. She uses a speech to text program to help her complete her written assignments.

Is this a modification or an accommodation?


Using a device with text to speech software would be considered an assessment accommodation. 


Specific accommodations are permitted for provincial EQAO assessments by students. 

True or False


EQAO provides guidelines each year, regarding the use of permitted accommodations during the EQAO assessments. 


What does the "SMART" acronym stand for when developing specific learning expectations?

S- specific

M - measurable

A- attainable

R- reasonable

T- time limited